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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 206

Chapter 206 

We tired Daisy out, but it’s a good thing as we need to speak about telling her and how we plan to. Sitting we discussed the way forward to find out who is behind this because there is no way Alesandro or Alex are the ones planning things

We heard her moving earlier, but she hadn’t come down yet. We look at each other confused. It’s been at least twenty minutes since we heard her bedroom door close

I wonder if she has gone into the room, using it as a way to taunt you as payback.Calix laughs looking at me

Maybe, we need to see her together and talk to her though. So we will go find her and tell her.Standing we walk upstairs, stopping at our playroom I glance around but it’s empty. I watch as Demitri looks in her bedroom and shakes his head. We check our own rooms before

walk to the dance studio

Opening the door, I hear music I had never heard before. My body stops when I see her moving, and I stay frozen to the spot

She’s too consumed by the music and dancing to notice us standing here. I stay watching her, amazed by how her body moves. I had seen. her dance at the club, but this is different. Nothing like the way she 


Did you know?I hear Calix’s words and shake my head, listening to the lyrics of the song, and somehow seeing her dance to it, and hearing it breaks me. As the song ends and the next one begins, she notices us and stops. She stands looking awkward, and we don’t move because 

Chapter 205 

we’re just speechless, and mesmerised

We need to talk,Demitri finally finds the words and walks in sitting on the small couch, I watch as she nods and sits, and we walk over to join them. Before we speak, I need to know

So, before we do. About this, how did it happen?She looks and met smiling

My mum’s sister, Evalyn. She was a ballet teacher, she would take me to the lessons. I would clean up before and after, but during I would join in and learn.She shrugs her shoulders like it is nothing, but it’s everything

When did it stop?I look at her

I was about eleven when she died.I nod, and decide not to ask. anything else about it. I know she said she was given dance lessons. with Dean to learn pole dancing and stuff. She never mentioned ballet though. I can’t stop staring at her, and I don’t even know why. Just seeing her move in that way was captivating

Alex, and Alesandro, were working together. You’re a target, we don’t know who by or why. All we know is Alesandro was taking money out. of the casino, he paid Alex some to rape you hoping we wouldn’t notice the money going.” 

She looks at Calix shocked

Alesandro’s brother has admitted he heard him on the phone a lot. There is a plan, but your name was brought up most. So, while you want to have freedom, it isn’t safe right now.” 

So, Alex didn’t like me?She looks at us and I want to lie but I don’t and I don’t need to as I watch Demitri shake his head

You were just part of a plan. We don’t know if it is Dean, Richard or someone who wants to make us weak. I know you will hate us puddin, but there is too much risk right now in you leaving even with Troy. You need at least four men with you while travelling.Calix explains and she nods, not even arguing

That’s fine.Her words are quiet, but I can see she is hurt

Your parents. I spoke to them about the contract. They told me they wanted you back to use you to get money from us. Then would sell you on again.” 

I stare at Calix That is something I would have kept hidden. It will just cause more hurt than anything else. I watch as she nods, but doesn’t answer. She needs space

We will be downstairs. If you need one of us just message.I kiss her cheek and walk out, Demitri and Calix following. I hear the music start again before we even close the door. Getting downstairs I turn to Calix

You shouldn’t have told her about her parents!That was fucking 


Say I didn’t. What happens if she finds out we knew? I’m not a cunt Marc, but I know it will hurt far more if she finds out and knows we knew and never told her.” 

I nod, giving up and we spend the day going through everything of Alesandro’s and Alex’s trying to find anything that can help us uncover who it is. Hours later Calix looks towards the stairs

Don’t, Cal, give her the space she needs.” 

She hasn’t eaten!He sounds annoyed

Chapter 205 

So what, just leave her. Let her dance, and whatever else she wants until she feels ready to face the world again.I won’t let him push her, and make her do things she isn’t ready to

We continue working. Demitri looking at us

Remember Grant H?His words make us look to him. Grant 

contacted them both on nights money went missing, he contacted Alex the night he took Daisy out.He pushes the papers to us and we begin. checking

He’s right, sure Grant was smart, two different phones, but both can be linked to his house. They were there at the same time as his phone. So we now have a lead. I look up and wonder if Demitri should come or not. We can’t afford to lose Grant before we get what we need

So two of us go, and one stays with Daisy?I look between Calix and 


No, we go together, with Daisy, tomorrow. No more hiding her, she comes with us, she finds out the truth, and people will soon learn they do not touch her.” 


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