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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 207

Chapter 207 

I decide to wait a bit, it’s still carly, and I don’t want to interrupt her. Instead, I work, trying to find connections between Alex and Alesandro. Mainly looking for their connection to Dean or Richard

Something tells me this is all Richard. Dean is one of the very few men who don’t put restrictions on the men who fuck his slaves. My head shakes. I saw all the contracts, only Daisy had a permitted list that long. His other slaves were still allowed to keep some dignity

That means anyone that Dean is trying to replace her with, Richard won’t want. That is unless he allows him to do to them everything he ever has to Daisy. I feel like once we had been given Daisy we should have just thrown Dean out

Calix wanted him close though, so we would hear about his retaliation, I must lose myself in the thoughts as hours pass before I move and walk through to her dance studio. Walking in I spot her on the small sofa asleep

Walking to her, I pick her up and carry her to her room. Placing her in bed I look at her, wondering just how anyone could hurt her. I remove her pointe shoes and place them on the side. My eyes see the blood around her toes. Maybe we should have stopped her? Getting a cloth from the bathroom I wipe away the blood and bandage her toes. I look at her, seeing her still asleep

She is out of it, clearly as nothing is waking her. Pulling the blanket up over her, I move and sit on the chair, watching as she sleeps. My mind is unable to switch off, something makes me want to burn everyone. alive who ever hurt her. Starting with her parents


Chapter 207 

I know though, that will cause her more hurt, I wonder if she would. agree to let me do that to Dean? Or maybe even Richard? I stay in the same place. watching as the sun comes up, and she finally awakens. I hear her sigh of disappointment, before watching her pull the blanket over her head

Waiting I expect her to get up, or do something, but she simply stays hidden beneath the blanket, and as much as she wants to hide, she cant. I move, making a slight noise and watch as she moves the blanket 

and turns to see me

How long have you been sitting there waiting for me to wake?She moves so she is sat up

No idea, I carried you to bed, and figured I would sit and watch you sleep.I don’t know why I did that, and now thinking about it, it’s weird

You could have cuddled while watching me sleep.She laughs and I shake my head

No, that would have been wrong. You were not in a good place. yesterday, getting in bed with you then would be wrong.I wouldn’t 

have done that.. 

It’s still early, come cuddle and sleep. You need sleep.I look at the clock, it’s seven, and I should refuse because we have a lot to do, but she sits looking at me pouting. Walking to her, I go to sit down, her hands stopping me

Without clothes.Her words are an order

I don’t trust you.I look at her, watching as she rolls her eyes

I’m not going to attack you, but you can’t sleep in clothes.” 


Chapter 207 

I laugh. You did.I didn’t want to take her clothes off with her so out of it, so she slept in them

Which I plan to take off.She moves and pulls her top off, my head. shaking. Finishing removing her clothes she moves over making space in the bed, waiting for me. Taking off my clothes I climb into the bed with her

Her body wraps around mine

How are you feeling?I don’t know why I asked that, she will feel like crap and used

Fine, I guess.” 

I look down at her

You guess? How could you be fine?She shouldn’t be fine

I learnt years ago, not to trust anyone. Not to believe everything they say. I forgot that with Alex, So while it hurt to know everything was planned and he was paid, it’s not the worst thing to happen to me, and worse will happen in the future.” 

No, nothing will happen again, believe me, no one will get close enough to do anything to hurt you.I won’t let them

You three get close enough.” 

I tilt my head slightly, confused by what she means

Demitri, as much as you and they say I am part of your family that can change. Look how quickly you got rid of Rosalie, for me

a woman you hardly know. Rosalie was someone you all wanted here and in your life. Then it just ended, another Daisy will come and replace me.” 



Chapter 207 

Don’t do that Daisy.She is pulling away

Do what?Her words are soft

Tell yourself we will replace you. Distance yourself, push us away, and block things. We’re here, aren’t we?I try to say it nice, but I will scream at her if she tries to hide and run from us

I’m just saying how I feel. You wanted to know, why I said it. That is why, Calix went on about me and clearly been confused, but you three could be. Rosalie is amazing, someone you all connected with.” 

Rosalie was amazing. I move and face her fully

The story of Rosalie is complex. She was someone Calix went to: often, we didn’t know. I saw her at the club one night, struggling for money. The next day she showed up at the shop ready to take over it, that’s when we found out she and Calix were sleeping together.She looks at me and nods, but she looks hurt by that

That was the moment we all realised we had been sleeping with her. We never really spoke about women back then, so we had no idea. She knew we were brothers though, it was her who suggested she was all 

of ours.” 

So you all liked her then.Her words are quiet and I know what she 


No, we don’t do relationships little bird. To us women were purely for sex, we couldn’t let anyone into our lives fully, and we couldn’t take. that risk. She knew before getting involved as well as any other women who we slept with. Relationships were not something we wanted.” 

Yeah, but you had all slept with her, beforehand. So you must have felt something.” 


Chapter 207 

Daisy, those times you stayed, what happened with Rosalie? Where did she stay?” 

She considers it and looks at me confused

She went home, every night little birdie. She never once slept here. She never once came to the offices with us. She certainly never once came with us when we went out on business. As bad as it sounds, she was used purely for sex, which she was happy with.” 

She doesn’t reply, just stays quiet and I can’t help but wonder what it is she is now thinking about. I wait as a short while passes without her saying a word

This could end though. Any one of you could realise you were just so focused on saving me that things got complicated.” 

Staying quiet I consider my next words, hoping she understands

Little birdie I have been going to the club for years. Going into that room for years, with a different woman every time. Not once did I sleep with one, even those who asked me. I always walked out. You were the only one I ever slept with Daisy, the only one I paid that amount for.She needs to realise, she is the only one I slept with. No matter how much they begged

You felt you had to. To stop me from getting punished.” 

I laugh at her words

I was walking out little bird, remember? That was after I knew what would happen if I didn’t sleep with you. I stopped because you cried. I fucked

because I wanted to because I wanted you. If it was just to save you from getting punished Daisy, I would have rather fucked my hand and finish that way than touch you.She stares at me shocked 



Chapter 201 


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