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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 215

Chapter 215 

I watch as Calix storms out. Right now he needs to stay away, we agreed to keep our distance and act like we were with Rosalie, not actually fuck her. I watch as Daisy continues to be sick. Demitri just. stood quiet

I know what he is thinking. D, don’t. She won’t have Cal near her, and I can’t deal with this alone.If he runs off and gets lost in hurting. people I am alone. I watch as she passes out, the door opens and Aiden. walks in. His eyes look around shocked

She woke up then?He walks over and begins to check her

No. Calix made her sick.He looks at me shocked. I told him it wasn‘ 

t advised but it was too late, but she woke 

  1. up

Did she respond when she was awake?He looks at us

She shouted, screamed, pushing Calix away, why?” 

She will be fine, just keep alcohol and pills out of her way. Watch her, there’s no guarantee when she wakes she won’t try it again. She will likely sleep for a while, then wake up. Let her sleep, don’t wake her or force her to be sick.He packs up and leaves

Moving, I sit down with Demitri

He fucked Rosalie.” 

I nod, not wanting to get into it again

You’re just going to nod? We were struggling every fucking day just 


to ignore her, and he cared so fucking little he fucked Rosalie!” 

D. right now that doesn’t matter. Let’s just wait, and see how she is when she wakes.I can only hope she is okay. I knew I shouldn’t have agreed with this plan, we all caused this. Calix made things a thousand. times worse, but we all played a part

We all knew she was drinking daily, we had hoped things would sort 


I’m doing work from here. I’m grabbing the things I need. Troy, go back down and keep a watch on Rosalie. Don’t tell her what has happened.I don’t want anyone else to know. Walking out I get the shit together and walk back through. Sitting on the floor I continue to go through the stuff. I found nothing on the first two phones. This guy from their city had multiple phones, it became clear quickly he was planning to take down the Wolversons. So once I finish these are destroyed to ensure no one else uses the information

Hours must pass before Daisy finally wakes. I walk towards her and she looks around confused, hurt instantly fills her eyes

Daisy.I stand looking at her

I’m meant to be dead!Her words are screamed

Daisy. please.I grasp her face in my hands and watch as she cries, her body shaking

I am not letting anyone else control my fucking life! If I want to die I should be allowed to. I don’t care what you do, I will be dead before you get a chance to sell me on.Her words are loud

Daisy, what the hell are you talking about?We’re not selling her. Does she really think that is our plan



I saw the email. Calix sent to the guards stating in two days I’m going to a new owner and Rosalie is moving in here! Don’t lie to me.” 

What?I turn and look at Demitri, he is just as shocked as me. Daisy, that is a fucking lie. I don’t know why that email was sent, but I can tell you right now. In no fucking way are you leaving here and no way is Rosalie moving in.” 

If you did this to escape being sold again, Daisy you’re not going to be sold. You’re staying right fucking here.” 

I don’t want to stay here! Living here is worse than living with fucking Dean, I would rather go back to him than stay here.” 


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