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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216 

I don’t even know what I have done today. Other than sitting and drinking, everything is a mess. Part of me knows it’s my fault. Keeping our distance didn’t work, so I pushed, ensuring the guards saw me shouting at her. Ensuring she saw me with Rosalie cuddling me, hoping the guards thought I didn’t care

I want to go and apologise but I know right now she won’t accept it. She won’t even want to see me which I don’t blame her for. I fucked this up, and all I can do is hope when she is awake and well she will let me explain

Why I thought fucking Rosalie would work, baffles me, and in the living room, where I knew there was a chance Daisy would walk through. I don’t even know anymore, everything is a fucking mess. I’m angry because this will now make things take longer. Marcello won’t have time to check the things, so we have longer to wait to find out 

who it is

Here.I turn hearing Demitri, his hands throw something towards me and I catch it

It’s Daisy’s diary. Why do I want this?I look at him confused

Read it, Calix, you can refuse but you should read it.” 

Are you fucking crazy? I’m not reading her Diary!” 


Cal, read from the page I marked. That was the date we found out. everything and brought Rosalie back. Maybe if you fucking read it you won’t be such a heartless cunt.He turns and walks out. My eyes


glance at her Diary. Opening it, I sit and read, the first page alone. hurts. I never knew she was listening with when came in with Rosalic. I thought she was upstairs. As I read through it, I can see it’s me

Marcello and Demitri keeping their distance hurt her. Me thoughI destroyed her. Sitting I read every word and realise how much I fucked up. I realise how if she had died, it was my fault. That is clear by the last entry, me fucking Rosalic just confirmed to her everything she felt and thought, even though it was wrong

She won’t forgive me for this, her words say that enough without actually saying it. Picking up the phone I send a message. I can’t speak to D or Marc not now, they will want me dead after reading this. Picking up my keys I go to leave, Troy looking at me

Dante messaged. He wants to talk about an issue, let them two know if they ask I will be back.I walk out get in the car driving there. Leaving the city the weight lifts slightly, six hours later I stop outside a small quiet bar. Walking in I see Dante

Calix.He nods at me and I sit. I’m confused why you messaged me. You have your brothers.He looks at me waiting. I push Daisy’s diary to him. His eyes look at it and then at me

The last two pages explain. Right now I have no right to feel shit and if I did they will want me dead.I watch as he opens it and reads, his eyes widening. He looks at me angrily, okay so apparently I have nowhere that is neutral

Is she dead?” 

I shake my head. We found her in time. She is alive.” 

With Emmi, I pushed her away at the start Calix, I was a heartless cunt, even brought a prostitute in to avoid touching her. I even made 



my brothers stop touching her until she found that fighter in her. This though. I wouldn’t blame her if she never wants to see you again.” 

So I went too far?That is what he is saying. I went too fucking far. Of all the heartless men I know, Dante is one of the worst and even he thinks it is wrong

would never fuck or touch a woman. That first night I touched 

Emmi. I haven’t touched a woman since. Acting it is one thing Calix, Emmi. I haven’t 

but you walked in here with your arm around Rosalie, there was no need to touch her. You could have just walked in. By the sounds of it, you constantly hand your hands on her around Daisy. Then fucked her and didn’t even look at Daisy like you cared when she saw.He looks at me disgusted

I should just stay away for a bit, and give Daisy time to heal. Give D and Marc time to calm down as I know they will want me dead

Look, you want my advice, from one heartless cunt to another?I look up and nod


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