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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 235

235Going To Her Funeral 


That day, Brody returned with news from the mansion. It was Mia’s funeral, and Lord Atwood had asked Brody to bring me to the mansion

I was slightly disappointed that he hadn’t called me himself, but there was nothing to be done now. It seemed I had already lost a place in his heart

What are you doing? We’re running late,” Brody called from outside. my room. He had cleaned my bedroom the very next hour after the brothers left

I was sitting at the study table, writing down all the information I had gathered about Christina’s and Mia’s cases. There wasn’t much more. than what Brody had told me about Christina and her death. However, I noted the similarities and also what I had personally learned about. Mia’s demise

I didn’t plan to give this file to anyone but would definitely confront the brothers about it

Just one sec,I called out to him, finishing up the file so that 

everything was recorded, even if I forgot or someone hypnotized me to forget about it

I didn’t know how hypnosis worked, but ever since Mia died, I had been slightly worried and frightened of Silas and the others

Finally, putting the file in my bag, I walked out wearing all black to 

Huding to Her Funera 

accompany Brody. The car ride was as insignificant as always. Brody rarely talked while driving; he preferred to focus on the road and reflect on his thoughts. I respected his need for space

Once we arrived at the mansion, I sat in the car and refused to get out. for a few minutes. I needed to catch my breath before reentering the home I had once thought could be mine. I wasn’t a fan of big mansions, but the relationships mattered more

Sighing, I finally walked out. There were many pack members attending this funeral. Even though Mia rarely went out, she was loved by everyone who met her. The large crowd was due to her tragic death on the night of the ball and the terror it had caused everyone

Nora!a voice called out to me from the crowd. I turned to see Nash approaching

Dad has been waiting for you. What took you so long?he asked, silently judging Brody for being late

I didn’t know Dad was expecting me since he never called me himself,I replied. I knew I was being demanding, but it wasn’t just about the funeral. He hadn’t called me at all after I left. I had called him twice, but he never answered

Nash glanced at Brody and then back at me. He’s been busy. Come, let me take you to Dad,he said, grabbing my hand and starting to drag me away from Brody. I kept looking back at my boyfriend, who had been there for me all these days

Don’t worry, he’s not a child. He won’t get lost in the crowd,Nash said with a hint of harshness in his voice, noting my concern for 


He guided me through the crowd and into the mansion, then led me 


upstairs to the hallway outside my bedroom, which now had a lock on it. The brothers and Lord Atwood were present, almost as if they had been waiting for me to start the meeting. When I arrived, I saw Cain straighten his posture but keep his hands in his black suit’s pockets. Silas ran a hand through his hair and gave me a nod as a greeting. Ryker continued to stare at me

Nora! How are you?Lord Atwood spread his arms to hug me, but this time I didn’t reciprocate with the same enthusiasm. I was deeply hurt by their behavior and lack of trust in me

He noticed my reaction and quickly broke the hug, cupping my face in his hands to check on me

Are you sick? Why do you look so down?he asked

Because it’s a funeral,my sarcastic remark made him look sad. The brothers exchanged glances before looking back at me, clearly displeased with my attitude

You seem upset with me,Lord Atwood said softly

I felt like I might be too harsh on him. Just because I had some time on my hands didn’t mean they did. They had been working hard to catch the culprits and manage the pack. I needed to cut Lord Atwood some slack

I have missed you,I said, and that was all it took for a smile to cross his lips

I’ve missed you too,he smiled, kissing the back of my hand


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