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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 236



Hearing him say that felt like a stab to the chest. It definitely struck my ego, but instead of arguing, I just nodded. However, I subtly slipped my hands out of his grasp

So I was wrong to think he was worried about me. He was worried about his son’s girlfriend because, apparently, I was considered a troublemaker

The crowd dispersed, and soon I was the only one wandering around. The second floor was also crowded with people seeking a respite from Galinda’s cries on the ground floor

After the eulogy, I headed to my bedroom. But on my way upstairs, I noticed someone following me. It was none other than the three witches in their black attire

They wore fancy shoes and carried brandnew black bags. It didn’t even seem like they were here to support the grieving mother; they had come thinking it was an event

I rolled my eyes as I slowed down and turned to look at them. A waiter passed by, and they grabbed some wine while I opted for a virgin mojito

You’re back?Daphne called out to me. I assumed the three must have bonded over their shared dislike for me. They had been sticking close to each other ever since they arrived. In fact, April and Daphne had been whispering throughout the eulogy, while Natalya seemed to be lingering in the background

Yes, this is my home. Of course, I’m back,I replied, rolling my eyes again as I tried to cover more ground to reach my room. However, with the large lock on my door and no intention of going downstairs to ask for a key right now, I decided to head for the terrace

My bad luck, the three joined me there

The brothers and their father had been living so peacefully without you. There was no drama going on when you weren’t around,Daphne said, her arm folded over the railing, with April standing beside her and Natalya lingering in the back

What is it? Why can’t you girls leave me alone?I sipped my mojito and held it in my hand, trying to ignore their smirks that made me feel uncomfortable

Hmm, because we’re suspicious of you,April said, her smirk widening as she knew it would pique my interest

About what?I asked the grinning trio

Where were you the night of the murder?April’s question paralyzed me. I watched as Daphne took a sip from her drink and zoned out. I bet she knew I was with Nash that night; that’s probably how she found 

  1. mc

But why did they want me to say it out loud

Why? Why would it matter where I was?I shrugged, not giving them the satisfaction of appearing concerned

Because I was thinking, what ifMia was lured into the woods by someone who knew how to bring the monsters there,April said, spinning a ridiculous lie. But there was more to her insinuation

So enter you to everyon 

suspicion,Daphne smirked

So that’s what it was. She wanted me to say Nash’s name, hoping to get him in trouble for spending time with his stepsister, who the brothers already suspected of inappropriate behavior, instead of guarding the Whistler

Go ahead, spread the rumor that I did it. I’ll see what proof you bring to the table,I said, trying to sound unbothered, but my eyes landed on my ring, and unease began to creep in

I think they should force your transition,Daphne added, and I felt a jolt of fear

That wouldn’t be a good idea

You know the process?Natalya inquired, the one who didn’t have a wolf herself

They strip you naked, no jewelry, no garments, no underwear. Then the warriors stand around and whip the wolf out of you, and they even inject some drugs. Alpha King Silas is also involved,Daphne said with a smirk, stretching her back and taking a sip from her glass

Wouldn’t it be embarrassing for her to go through all that with her stepbrother present?Natalya asked in a falsely concerned voice, while April pouted and nodded

I wasn’t truly concerned about that. I mean, it would be humiliating, but there would be no need to whip me or anything. The moment they removed everything from my body, including my ring, and drugged me, my wolf would emerge immediately. Not only that, but once they saw her, they wouldn’t waste a single moment before pointing at me and labeling me a monster


my wolf alone

What happened? Where did you get lost?Daphne seemed satisfied with herself now that she had seen the look of horror on my face

But did that mean I’d get Nash in trouble? No!. 

So I decided it was best to leave and avoid them. Lord Atwood was right in a sense that I would come face to face with themhe just misunderstood the culprit and the victim


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