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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 344

344My First Battle 


I held my breath 

s the mome like 

finally arrivedI was about to be introduced. My cage was slid I was some kind of animal. Since it was daytime, I didn’t have to worry about the light shining directly on me, but that didn’t make it any less terrifying

I carefully stepped out of the cage, swallowing hard as I felt the weight of everyone’s gaze on me

First, they unlocked my cage, and then everyone else quickly moved to the safety of the silver bars, standing behind them alongside the crowd. I was the only one left exposed, the only one the beast could reach. In fact, I had been given the responsibility of opening the beast’s cage

I took a deep breath and moved closer. As soon as I did, the beast let out feral growls, thrashing violently inside his cage. The entire cage rattled as it lunged and thrashed

With trembling hands, I unlocked the cage and stepped back, watching as the beast finally found the exit and emerged. The instant it was free, it roared, and the arena fell into a tense silence

My body trembled with fear, but somehow, Akira was able to soothe my 


The arena buzzed with anticipation, the crowd’s cheers bouncing off the stone walls. In the center, I stood frozen, my eyes locked on the beast that loomed before me

I can do this,Akira reassured me, her voice carrying only the slightest 


344 My First Batta 

hint of doubt

The beast was a hulking mass of muscle and fur. Its claws dug into the ground, leaving deep grooves in the earth as it prepared to strike

With a deafening roar, it lunged forward, claws outstretched. I sidestepped just in time, rolling across the ground to avoid the attack. Springing to my feet, I spun around and drove my fist into the beast’s ribcage with all the strength I could muster

A loud howl of pain escaped the creature, and the crowd erupted into noise once again. But I noticed something strange; the more noise they made, the more agitated the beast became. It was as if the sounds fueled its rage

Despite the damage I had inflicted, the beast quickly regained its footing and lunged at me once more. Even though I could have dodged, I saw Brody shake his head from the sidelines, urging me to take the hit to quiet the crowd

The moment the beast’s massive paw slammed into my stomach, I was sent flying across the arena, crashing hard into the ground. The pain was excruciating

The crowd fell silent again, and I lifted my head, tears of agony filling my eyes as I watched the beast charging toward me

Snarling, it swung its enormous arm, striking me in the side once more. The impact hurled me into the arena wall, and the air was knocked from my lungs. The crowd gasped, holding their collective breath

Blood trickled from my brow, and it took every ounce of strength I had to push myself to my feet

As the beast charged again, I ducked low, grabbing hold of one of its massive arms. With a burst of strength, I twisted, using its own 

28 911 


344 My First Battle 

momentum to flip it onto the ground. The arena trembled as the beast crashed into the sand, dust swirling around us


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