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Tasting Nora-Pleasing Her Stepbrother Mates novel Chapter 345

345Everyone Wants Nora 


I had been restless ever since I returned home. It had been a week, and Nora hadn’t answered any of my callsor anyone else’s, for that matter. It was as if she had truly moved on

I can’t believe this,I muttered, clenching my fists on the table as I watched everyone gather for dinner. But, in truth, we were planning to have a serious talk about her

I’m guessing you haven’t been able to connect with her either,Dad sighed, rubbing his face in his hands

Any news of Nora?Silas turned to Ryker and Cain, who both stared at the table, offering nothing but silence. They shook their heads, confirming they hadn’t heard from her either

I’m sure she’s angry,I recalled the way she had been talking to Brody the last time I called. Even though she sounded content with her new life, not even thinking about us, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. It sounded like an act, and if it wasn’t, I will make it one

Of course, she’s not going to contact us. Do you remember how we kicked her out?Silas groaned, making me lower my head, guilt creeping 

  1. in

But we didn’t have a choice. I could never have let her stay here with you guys running around like crazed predators in the mansion,Dad growled, glancing around the room, his eyes landing on the claw marks that scarred the walls


315Everyone Wants Mora 


We had to buy new furniture and renovate the mansionjust like we do every time this happens

And she was terrified of Ryker. Can you imagine how many times she must have panicked in those months?Dad continued, and Ryker nodded. solemnly

She’s so fragile. It could have been deadly for her,Ryker’s words made me shift uncomfortably in my seat. I couldn’t stop thinking about what he had said after his arrest when he confessed to killing Mia. The way he had spoken about Nora had left us speechless

Ryker is my brother, someone I’ve always loved, but hearing him say those things unnerved me

I think we should surprise her,I suggested, noticing how Cain had been. silently staring down

Cain! What do you think?I asked, snapping him out of his deep. thoughts

Did she really speak to Brody like that?he asked, clearly still fixated on the conversation I had with Brody and how Nora had dismissed me

She did,I replied honestly. But the truth was, we had no right to question her about her relationship with Brody anymore

Still, I knew my reaction would be explosive if I saw them together. I might not be able to control myself

I’ll end Brody,Cain finally spoke, shocking all of us. We had all thought about it at some point, but he was the first to say it out loud

If she’s happy with him, we should be happy for her. The thing is, I want her back. She’s too young to be living on her own with her mate. She needs to finish her studies and all the other stuff that she had dreamed 



345Everyone Wants Mor 

of,Dad groaned, regret seeping into his voice as he threw his hands up in frustration, knowing it was nearly impossible

I rolled my eyes at my father’s words. There was no way I would let her be with Brody

Why? Why should she be happy with him?Ryker shamelessly spoke about Nora in front of all of us, showing no hesitation


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