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The Abandoned Wife (Lucian) novel Chapter 1438

News about the Farwell family’s two additional young heirs, who were given birth by Lucian’s ex-wife, caused an uproar in Horington.

Of course, the journalists took action almost immediately. No one knew how they got the information, but they found and swarmed around Roxanne’s research institute and mansion.

Roxanne was still asleep when she received a call from Linda telling her not to leave the house that day.

When Roxanne received that call, she was still in a daze.

However, the moment she got out of bed and saw the crowd outside, she panicked.

The crowd was clearly there because of Farwell Group’s statement yesterday.

Noticing her room’s curtains were pulled open, the crowd downstairs hurriedly focused their cameras in the direction of her room window and began snapping pictures.

Shocked, Roxanne hastily drew her curtains.

At the same time, her phone rang again.

She grabbed it to take a glance, only to see it was from an unknown number.

Suspicious, she answered it. The person on the other end of the phone asked, “Is this Ms. Jarvis? You and Mr. Farwell—”

Before the caller could finish his sentence, Roxanne hung up with rage swelling in her heart.

How on earth did they find my number and address? Are journalists so well-informed these days?

Just as Roxanne was feeling shocked and annoyed, Estella woke up in a daze.

She was happy to see Roxanne still in the room. With a smile, she stretched out her arms and said, “Mommy, I want a hug!”

Hence, Roxanne recollected herself and picked the girl up. As soon as she caught the latter’s scent, she was instantly relieved of her frustration.

Nonetheless, Estella seemed to sense Roxanne was in a bad mood. She caressed the latter’s face with concern. “Mommy, what’s wrong?”


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