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The Abandoned Wife (Lucian) novel Chapter 177

Chapter 177

The three of them discussed briefly before agreeing to invite Sonya and her husband to dinner at The Waterfront that night.

When Sonya and Elias arrived, Aubree’s family was already waiting in the private room. Aubree hung her head low, seemingly despondent, while her parents wore grim expressions.

When they walked into the room, Aubree lifted her head and forced out a smile. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell.”

Her smile slipped soon after as though she was nursing a grievance.

Sonya was puzzled. “Aubree, what’s the matter? Did someone bully you? Tell me about it.”

Gina’s voice rang out. “She’s upset because of the rumors circulating outside. People are accusing Aubree of being a gold-digger, so she’s been crying for the past few days.”

Aubree immediately refuted, “No, I know Lucian doesn’t mean it. I’ve heard of the rumors, but I didn’t take them to heart…”

She trailed off as her eyes turned red.

Gina shot her a resigned and worried look. “You’ve remained by Lucian’s side these few years, so we know your feelings. But the outsiders have no idea. If Lucian…”

She paused and lowered her voice, “If Lucian loves you, he won’t allow you to suffer. He can ignore your plight, but I can’t! Listen to me. It’s time to break up with him.”

Sonya and Elias heard their exchange clearly.

Sonya’s brows snapped together as she demanded, “What’s going on? Is it about the rumor? I’ll deal with the rumor right away!”


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