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The Abandoned Wife (Lucian) novel Chapter 1871

Chapter 1871 A Lucky Date

At night, when Roxanne came back from the research institute, she was greeted by the sight of her three children pouting, especially Estella.

The little girl was scowling. “Mommy, you promised to take me to the design expo, but you didn't make time for me. Daddy was the one who brought me there in the end!”

“Essie, don't be mad. Mommy is really busy with her doctor and research institute work.”

“That's right, Essie. Why don't you let Mommy make it up to you next time?”

Both Archie and Benny tried to comfort Estella as they explained Roxanne's situation to her.

Roxanne felt guilty after listening to Estella. She crouched down to level with the little girl and apologized to her.

“It's my fault. I forgot about our promise, Essie. This is a serious mistake on my part, and I'm really sorry,” Roxanne said.

She reckoned that she had to set a good example for her children to follow by first apologizing when she made a mistake.

Estella was only throwing a minor tantrum and did not expect Roxanne to take her words so seriously. She shook her head and dashed into Roxanne's embrace.

“It's all right, Mommy. I forgive you, but could you let me know next time? I got up really early in the morning, changed my clothes, and went to your room to look for you, but you weren't there,” Estella mumbled indignantly.

Roxanne hurriedly nodded and kissed her little cheeks. “It's my fault. I will make sure to let you know next time. Okay, you may make two requests, and I promise I'll fulfill them this time.”

Estella told Roxanne that she needed time to think about it.


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