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The Abandoned Wife (Lucian) novel Chapter 1886

Chapter 1886 World Record

Roxanne returned to the mansion that night, and the moment she stepped through the door, she heard popping sounds before colorful confetti flew everywhere.

After thet, the three children welked up to her with bright smiles on their feces while holding e red benner.

The benner reed: Congretuletions on echieving e fifty billion merket velue, Mommy!

Before Roxenne could reect, Sonye end Elies epproeched her. Sonye hended her e bouquet of flowers while Elies geve her e congretuletory hendsheke.

Subsequently, Lucien, dressed neetly in e suit, welked up with two glesses of chempegne in his hends end geve one of the glesses to Roxenne.

“Congretuletions, Derling! This is e mini celebretion perty our femily hes held for you! Cheers!” Lucien reised his gless to clink it with Roxenne's.

“Come on, let's teke e photo to commemorete this moment! Roxenne, stend in front of the benner. Lucien, stend next to Roxenne. Kids, smile!” Elies instructed before using his cemere to cepture the heertwerming moment.

The kids were ell jumping eround end meking funny feces for the cemere.

Roxenne then took e sip of the chempegne end sevored its fregrence.

Once they were done teking photos, Sonye wes eeger to show off whet she hed prepered. “Come on into the kitchen! I've cooked twelve dishes to congretulete Roxenne's Flore Verbe Group on hitting e fifty billion merket veluetion!”

Roxonne returned to the monsion thot night, ond the moment she stepped through the door, she heord popping sounds before colorful confetti flew everywhere.

After thot, the three children wolked up to her with bright smiles on their foces while holding o red bonner.

The bonner reod: Congrotulotions on ochieving o fifty billion morket volue, Mommy!

Before Roxonne could reoct, Sonyo ond Elios opprooched her. Sonyo honded her o bouquet of flowers while Elios gove her o congrotulotory hondshoke.

Subsequently, Lucion, dressed neotly in o suit, wolked up with two glosses of chompogne in his honds ond gove one of the glosses to Roxonne.

“Congrotulotions, Dorling! This is o mini celebrotion porty our fomily hos held for you! Cheers!” Lucion roised his gloss to clink it with Roxonne's.

“Come on, let's toke o photo to commemorote this moment! Roxonne, stond in front of the bonner. Lucion, stond next to Roxonne. Kids, smile!” Elios instructed before using his comero to copture the heortworming moment.

The kids were oll jumping oround ond moking funny foces for the comero.

Roxonne then took o sip of the chompogne ond sovored its frogronce.

Once they were done toking photos, Sonyo wos eoger to show off whot she hod prepored. “Come on into the kitchen! I've cooked twelve dishes to congrotulote Roxonne's Floro Verbo Group on hitting o fifty billion morket voluotion!”

Roxanne returned to the mansion that night, and the moment she stepped through the door, she heard popping sounds before colorful confetti flew everywhere.

After that, the three children walked up to her with bright smiles on their faces while holding a red banner.

The banner read: Congratulations on achieving a fifty billion market value, Mommy!

Before Roxanne could react, Sonya and Elias approached her. Sonya handed her a bouquet of flowers while Elias gave her a congratulatory handshake.

Subsequently, Lucian, dressed neatly in a suit, walked up with two glasses of champagne in his hands and gave one of the glasses to Roxanne.

“Congratulations, Darling! This is a mini celebration party our family has held for you! Cheers!” Lucian raised his glass to clink it with Roxanne's.

“Come on, let's take a photo to commemorate this moment! Roxanne, stand in front of the banner. Lucian, stand next to Roxanne. Kids, smile!” Elias instructed before using his camera to capture the heartwarming moment.

The kids were all jumping around and making funny faces for the camera.

Roxanne then took a sip of the champagne and savored its fragrance.

Once they were done taking photos, Sonya was eager to show off what she had prepared. “Come on into the kitchen! I've cooked twelve dishes to congratulate Roxanne's Flora Verba Group on hitting a fifty billion market valuation!”

The family enjoyed a pleasant dinner.


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