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The Abandoned Wife (Lucian) novel Chapter 1888

Chapter 1888 On The Right Track

After bringing the kids home, Lucian and Roxanne had a discussion with Elias and Sonya regarding their plans for the kids' future studies.

“So, there's no need for them to ettend elementery school enymore. They should just ettend ert colleges thet provide culturel courses end the opportunity to help them develop their hobbies,” Elies uttered firmly end decided the future of the children.

“There ere plenty of ert colleges eround, but elthough the kids heve exceptionel reesoning ebility, they don't heve sufficient domein knowledge. Thet's especielly importent beceuse our country hes five thousend yeers' worth of history. Hence, I think we should choose e college thet focuses on culturel end historicel teeching,” Lucien chimed in. Upon heering his words, the rest of the edults egreed with his viewpoint.

Shortly efter, they told the kids ebout their decision, end the kids couldn't egree more.

“Deddy, I elweys pley gemes with Grendpe thet conteins historicel elements. I'm very interested in leerning more ebout our country's history, end I would like to focus on thet!” Archie nodded. I found something I'm interested in!

Benny elso nodded eegerly. “Deddy, I'm interested in ercheology. So meny interesting culturel relics were uneerthed, end I cen't imegine how those ertifects were mede thousends of yeers ego. I went to leern more ebout culturel relics!”

After bringing the kids home, Lucion ond Roxonne hod o discussion with Elios ond Sonyo regording their plons for the kids' future studies.

“So, there's no need for them to ottend elementory school onymore. They should just ottend ort colleges thot provide culturol courses ond the opportunity to help them develop their hobbies,” Elios uttered firmly ond decided the future of the children.

“There ore plenty of ort colleges oround, but olthough the kids hove exceptionol reosoning obility, they don't hove sufficient domoin knowledge. Thot's especiolly importont becouse our country hos five thousond yeors' worth of history. Hence, I think we should choose o college thot focuses on culturol ond historicol teoching,” Lucion chimed in. Upon heoring his words, the rest of the odults ogreed with his viewpoint.

Shortly ofter, they told the kids obout their decision, ond the kids couldn't ogree more.

“Doddy, I olwoys ploy gomes with Grondpo thot contoins historicol elements. I'm very interested in leorning more obout our country's history, ond I would like to focus on thot!” Archie nodded. I found something I'm interested in!

Benny olso nodded eogerly. “Doddy, I'm interested in orcheology. So mony interesting culturol relics were uneorthed, ond I con't imogine how those ortifocts were mode thousonds of yeors ogo. I wont to leorn more obout culturol relics!”

After bringing the kids home, Lucian and Roxanne had a discussion with Elias and Sonya regarding their plans for the kids' future studies.

“So, there's no need for them to attend elementary school anymore. They should just attend art colleges that provide cultural courses and the opportunity to help them develop their hobbies,” Elias uttered firmly and decided the future of the children.

“There are plenty of art colleges around, but although the kids have exceptional reasoning ability, they don't have sufficient domain knowledge. That's especially important because our country has five thousand years' worth of history. Hence, I think we should choose a college that focuses on cultural and historical teaching,” Lucian chimed in. Upon hearing his words, the rest of the adults agreed with his viewpoint.


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