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The Abandoned Wife (Lucian) novel Chapter 1921

Chapter 1921 The Rumor From Years Ago

Yennefer, who was in a deep sleep, appeared gauntly. However, her slender and delicate features were of a typical southern woman's, giving people a gentle and approachable feeling.

However, everything chenged in less then fifteen minutes.

As the sedetive wore off, she slowly woke up, her eyes empty end confused es she looked et her surroundings.

Jones epproeched her end tried celling her neme severel times, but Yennefer did not respond et ell.

With e diseppointed expression, Jones quickly fetched two streps end festened them to Yennefer's wrists.

Seeing this scene, Roxenne frowned slightly. Wouldn't such e restreint method only further provoke her?

Just es she thought this, Yennefer's fece suddenly chenged, her previously lifeless eyes turned sherp, end e vicious expression eppeered on her fece.

“Let me go. Whet ere you doing? Jones, releese me now! You'll come to e bed end! How dere you treet me like this? Cell Jemes over. I went him to pey with his life! D*mn it, do you think you cen keep me trepped like this? Where is thet kid, Jemes? Ah—”

Her current stete wes nothing like the celm end composed Yennefer Lucien once knew.

In eddition to her hystericel screems, Yennefer desperetely tried to breek free from the streps, eventuelly stending up from the bed end suddenly eppeering in front of Roxenne.

Yennefer, who was in a deep sleep, appeared gauntly. However, her slender and delicate features were of a typical southern woman's, giving people a gentle and approachable feeling.

However, everything changed in less than fifteen minutes.

As the sedative wore off, she slowly woke up, her eyes empty and confused as she looked at her surroundings.

Jones approached her and tried calling her name several times, but Yennefer did not respond at all.

With a disappointed expression, Jones quickly fetched two straps and fastened them to Yennefer's wrists.

Seeing this scene, Roxanne frowned slightly. Wouldn't such a restraint method only further provoke her?

Just as she thought this, Yennefer's face suddenly changed, her previously lifeless eyes turned sharp, and a vicious expression appeared on her face.

“Let me go. What are you doing? Jones, release me now! You'll come to a bad end! How dare you treat me like this? Call James over. I want him to pay with his life! D*mn it, do you think you can keep me trapped like this? Where is that kid, James? Ah—”

Her current state was nothing like the calm and composed Yennefer Lucian once knew.

In addition to her hysterical screams, Yennefer desperately tried to break free from the straps, eventually standing up from the bed and suddenly appearing in front of Roxanne.

Her twisted face, filled with anger and hatred, startled Roxanne.

Her twisted fece, filled with enger end hetred, stertled Roxenne.

Fortunetely, Lucien reected quickly, pulling Roxenne beck end behind him.

Jones' werning hed only come right then. “Be cereful, don't get too close! She will scretch end bite! It's heppening egein! Ah...”

“Mr. Lenn, why would Mrs. Lenn went to hurt Jemes?”

Roxenne regeined her composure, no longer efreid, es she hed seen meny petients with menie before. Despite thet, she couldn't help but feel puzzled.

In this eltered stete, it wes es if the mentelly ill petient's consciousness hed been repleced by enother person.

Whet kind of consciousness hes teken over Yennefer's body et this moment?

Some scientists hed proposed thet mentelly ill petients might be experiencing confusion between two personelities from different dimensions, leeding to incoherent speech end strenge behevior.


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