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The Accountant novel Bonus Chapter One


–One Year Later –

December in San Francisco prevailed some semblance of warmth from the past autumn season. Perfect. Just perfect.

From his vantage point, with critical gray-green depths, he surveyed the vast garden below him. One same word. Perfect.

Everything was. The weather had cooperated. It was not too humid and it was not too cold.

All he needed was his family to make this special day astounding.

Beau and his son, Sebastian, was out of his reach. It had been hours.

He scowled. How long does it take to get ready? He loathed being away from them. Fuck! Where was Alec?

Even his general was nowhere to be found. Suppressing a curse, he strode back to his domain, a library cum study he shared with his wife. His wife.

The words had only become sweeter over time. His very demanding and fabulously genius wife.

Fuck! He needed to see them. Impatient, he reached for the door but it was pushed from the outside.

"Alec," he growled.

"Tzar," his best friend and second in command greeted him with a grin.

"Where the fuck are they?" Dominic knew he shouldn't swear that much. Beau had constantly reminded him because of their son.

"Almost ready, my friend." He couldn't believe Alec had also tied the knot last year. And now his wife, Dr. Hope was very pregnant with their firstborn. But no surprise there. They knew opportunities when stared at the face.

"That was hours ago. Is everything in place?" Dominic went back to the opened glass windows and glanced down.

This was how he imagined it would be. A magical scene for his tzarina.

Fuck! And he, a Mafia King was sprouting romantic bullshit left and right. The things he would do for Beauty Grace.

"Yes, tzar. The wedding planners have everything under control. Our guests are starting to arrive as well."

"Good. And our security?" What prompted Beau to invite the mafia leaders all over the world, he was not privy to. It was a nightmare of unimaginable proportions but he could never deny her anything.

"Snipers and elite force all in place. I even integrated some of our men amongst our guests." He knew he could count on Alec. "And tzarina will have your head if you are not ready in time, tzar."

Dominic frowned. Then he saw his reflection on the damn glass windows. Shit! He was still in casual clothes. And he looked at Alec, who had a shit-eating grin on his face, and who was dressed in a designer's tuxedo. "Fuck!"

He better get dressed. He had plans for tonight and arriving late at his own wedding would not gain him brownie points from his detka.


Dr. Lizzie Hope - Belcovich

This special day made her remember her own beautiful wedding a year ago. Up to now, she still couldn't believe she had created her own family with the man who was crazy in love with her.

Maman - Tatty had insisted she called her that, while mama for Alec's mother - was fussing over Beau exactly the same way they fussed on the doctor's wedding day.

These people were amazing. A true family.

Lizzie caressed her protruding stomach fondly while she walked towards her best friend, Dinara, dressed in a beautiful and gorgeously elegant gown in white. Her burnished blond hair swept up and secured with diamond pins and flower buds. She looked amazing.

She always had, except this past month she has kept to herself and she was mostly quiet with a far away looked in her lonely eyes. The mafia princess had matured during her sojourn. Where it was and whatever happened to her, it had changed her. Her best friend was no longer the easy-going, devil-may-care, girlish tomboy she had known before.

And Lizzie had also noticed something else. As a professional, she wouldn't utter her suspicion until her dear friend trusted her with her secret. Dinara had to so Lizzie and Beau could help her and dissuade their husbands from doing anything stupid.

The mafia princess's secret would be out in a few months. Maybe around summer.

"How are you holding up, Arie?" Lizzie whispered. "No headaches today?"

"Nope. I remembered our outing at Disneyland." Dinara grinned. Her joy didn't reach her eyes. What happened to you, my friend?

She was almost tempted to ask her to spill it all. Soon. She clasped her hand instead. "You know you can trust us, right? Me and Beau. We are worried."

Dinara's blue-violet eyes widened and she looked away. A guilty expression on her face. "I need to tell you something later. I will need your help." Tears flooded her beautiful depths, her friend took a deep shaky breath to stop her tears. Always a strong woman.

"And I will be waiting. Let's meet at the clinic after the party, okay? And do me a favor?"


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