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Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love novel Chapter 116

"But daddy, I want to learn how to do it now. May I?" Bobby insisted.

"No, now is not possible. It's already past your bedtime. You need to go to bed and we'll talk about it tomorrow," said Charles in a stern voice. He was afraid he just might give in to Bobby's plea.

"Okay, but may I sleep beside you on your bed tonight?" Bobby asked. His admiration for his daddy was immense. He thought that as long as he was with Charles, he would be able to learn kung fu and in time, he would be strong as him.

"Okay, but you need to go to sleep now." Having said that, Charles went into the bathroom.

He soaked himself in the bathtub and stayed there until the water was too cold to bear. It was already dawn when he went to bed.

His heart was filled with so much hatred, and the person he hated the most was Dorothy.

On the other hand, Bobby was happy.

At kindergarten, he was so proud of his father and boasted to every kid he met, "My daddy is awesome in kung fu!"

He told Nadia, "Nadia, once I have learned kung fu, no one will ever dare to bully you anymore. I promise to protect you your whole life!"

The teacher heard him and took his words as nothing but childish wishful thinking.

After he had taken a shower, Charles felt less drunk and he had sobered up a little.

He instructed the servants to redecorate his bedroom and throw away everything.

Charles could see the admiration in Bobby's eyes clearly, but he found it a bit uncomfortable.

In the business world, he was powerful and the magnitude of his influence was vast. Still, he wasn't able to arouse Bobby's admiration. He was not proud of the fact that he only won it after that embarrassing night.

'Alas, how could anyone as young as you understand what was going on?' he thought.

Charles finally charged his phone which had been turned off for several days.

He let it ran out of battery because he wanted to be oblivious to any message that could make him feel uneasy.

Coincidentally, the phone rang right after he had turned it on.

"Charles, where have you been these past few days? How could you be out of radar for so long? If you hadn't turned on your phone now, I would have gone to your house to find you!" Jay said worriedly.

"Why are you shouting? Has something happened?" Charles asked.

"Well, tell me the truth. Are you getting engaged or not?" The invitations to the engagement were already finished and Charles had instructed Jay to give them out. However, the incident involving Nancy made things complicated and Jay could not get in touch with Charles.

He was more worried by the sudden turn of events than by his own engagement!

"What do you think?" With his brows furrowed, Charles rubbed his fingers from time to time, deep in thought.

"Do you want to hear my opinion? If I were you, I will push through with the engagement. But you are not me, so it is up to you to decide!" said Jay angrily.

"Just go on with it?" Charles asked again doubtfully.

"Alas! Since when have you become so hesitant? Since when have you been so indecisive? You do not seem like the Charles I knew. Obviously, Nancy has been set up by someone. Considering how smart you are, how come you cannot figure that out on your own?" Jay anxiously asked.

"I know, you are right."

Indeed, he had figured it out.

But he could just not forget the pictures that he saw.

The picture of Ethan lying on one side, while Nancy was on the other side, was deeply etched on his mind.

Although they were covered with a quilt, he still could not help but be hurt. He was filled with jealousy.

"So what are you going to do about it? Do you want to investigate what happened?" prompted Jay.

"Yes, definitely!" Charles said with conviction.

"I have already checked the hotel surveillance. It's a pity that the security camera was broken that day, but that makes it all the more baffling. It could only mean one thing. It was planned carefully and the person behind it was well prepared," analyzed Jay.

"Do Fannie and Jill have something to do with it?" Charles asked out of curiosity.

For him, no other woman could be as vicious as Fannie.

"No, it's neither one of them," Jay said confidently.

"What? It's not them?" Charles was very surprised by Jay's reply and squinted his eyes.

Who else would ever dare to do such things to Nancy?


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