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Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love novel Chapter 137

Joseph lifted her up by her waist and carried her to the bed.

"Joseph put me down!" Nancy shouted, aware of the danger that followed her submission.

At this moment, Charles suddenly halted his step in front of the door.

He seemed to have heard the voice of Nancy. Was it an illusion?

"Joseph, you bastard, let go of me!" Nancy shouted again.

"Well, let go of you? I don't want to. What can you do?" Joseph smiled and got on top of her.

Suddenly, with a loud bang, the door was kicked open. And like an angry devil, Charles rushed in.

Charles took a bottle of water from the table and threw it towards Joseph's head.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Joseph jumped off the bed in a hurry.

Unfortunately, his belt fell on the ground.

When Joseph was about to pick it up, Charles booted it away.

"Brother, why did you throw it away?" With one hand holding his pants and the other covering his head, he pulled a long face and dodged Charles’ pursuit.

"What did you do just now? You son of a bitch! If you dare lust after Nancy in the future, I won't show you mercy just because you are my brother." Following that, Charles roughly pushed Joseph away.

"Don't think I don't know what you did last night! You went out on a date with a woman other than Nancy. Then why can't I have Nancy? You have already discarded Nancy, so what I do with her is none of your business!" Joseph shouted while running.

"Fuck off!" Charles roared.

Nancy straightened her clothes and lowered her head.

She had no idea how to face Charles.

In other people's eyes, she was the woman that Charles rejected.

It was only natural; after all, they weren't even engaged yet. In everyone’s eyes, it was the supercilious Mr. Charles Fu, who abandoned her.

"Nancy, are you okay? Is he... No, Did he bully you?" 'In the time I haven't seen you, you have grown so thin and weak,' thought Charles, looking at her delicate face.

Nancy shook her head and said, "No."

"Nancy, why are you here? I went out to look for you, but you refused to see me. So, why the sudden visit?"

"Bobby's hand got hurt. Your grandfather asked me to stay here. I will leave in three days." Nancy stressed the time on purpose, as she was afraid that Charles would misunderstand.

"I just came back." Joseph, Frederic, Dorothy, and many other people were present in the house, but Charles still couldn't help but feel upset and... Lonely. So, he decided to go to a bar after he dropped Bobby off.

In a dark bar somewhere, Charles alone guzzled down two bottles. Yet, the sweet feeling of being a drunkard with no worries in life just didn't become his hetaera.

In the silence of the night, he drove to his office and slept through the trainwreck that his emotions were.

But Nancy didn't know the truth. She believed that Charles was seeing a woman, just as Joseph said.

She stopped thinking about it as she had no right to ask these questions anyway.

Rubbing her arms, Nancy was suddenly at a loss. She had no idea what to say next!

"Let's go to see Bobby," suggested Charles.


Nancy and Charles arrived together in front of Bobby.

"Daddy, Mommy, you are here!" Seeing them together, Bobby grinned happily.

"How's your hand?" Charles asked with concern, sitting down in front of the bed.

"As long as Mommy and Daddy are here, It won't hurt.¹'


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