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Sweet Twins Indulge in Daddy's Love novel Chapter 213

Was what Nancy said based on pure suspicion or not?

"Forget it. Let's talk about something else!" Nancy had been in a mess lately. With all the troubles happening around her, she felt as if an invisible force was causing her misfortunes, and she couldn’t do anything about it.

It might be Anna, but Nancy didn't have any evidence against her. So, pointing the fingers at her would be completely useless.

But at the same time, she knew that the woman had motivations to hurt her.

Perhaps she needed more time to think this through. For now, she needed to rest and clear her mind off these problems.

So, Charles drove her home, and all the while they were in the car, he thought of Nancy mentioned.

Did someone really do something in the hospital? If that was the case, he had to do something about it—not just because it was one of his business but because he needed to purify the sanctity of the place.

The hospital was a place to save people, not ground to commit murder and sin.

So, even when they got home and saw the two kids sleeping on the sofa, he was bothered by those thoughts.

But looking at the kids now, he realized how they could be in danger too if what Nancy said was true. And in the heat of this realization, Charles proclaimed, "Nancy, let's get married!"

He was not looking at her, but instead intently gazing at the peacefully sleeping angels on their couch.

Nancy was too busy with her work, and the kids needed to be taken care of. If he continued working as the president of the TS Group, how could he take care of them?

Although he was happy to do it, he couldn't just drop his responsibility in the company!

At the same time, he knew Nancy would not compromise.

As much as he wanted to take her and the children to the villa, hire a group of servants, and spoil them to live a lavish life, the woman wouldn't find it a great idea.

She wouldn't leave her job even if he begged her to.

That woman was just a workaholic!

Meanwhile, Nancy was taken aback by his words. Angelina was still looking for a bride for him, but he was going to marry her?

How could he ask her that question?

"Ahem! Take the children to the shower and put them to bed." Coughing, Nancy changed the topic and averted her gaze somewhere else.

But Charles noticed her maneuver and just merely sighed at her.

"Forget about the shower. The kids are tired. Let them go to bed early." After saying that, Charles carried Bobby into the bedroom while Nancy scooped Nadia.

The little girl was awakened from the movement she felt.

"Mommy, you're back.¹'

"Yes, honey," Nancy replied, planting a soft kiss on her cheek. She was so busy recently that she had less time checking on the kids.

And looking at the little girl now, Nancy noticed that she seemed to have gained some weight recently.

She was weighed heavier than the last time she carried her.

Charles must be feeding the kids well while she was away. And frankly, he did quite a good job at it.

Although Nancy felt guilty that she had been neglecting the kids recently, she couldn't also disregard her work and just put it aside.

Moreover, if she resigned and stayed at home all day, she'd eventually go crazy from doing nothing. "Mommy, I miss you so much. Why are you so busy recently?"

Nadia pouted and coiled up closer to her mother. "I'm sorry, honey. I promise to take some time off so that we can spend time together."

Even though Nancy uttered that with a smile, deep down, she wasn't sure if taking a break from the hospital would really be a good idea. "Really? Promise?"

The little girl's eyes twinkled with hope as she stretched out her little finger for a pinky swear.

Nancy paused for a while, rethinking what she had just promised her daughter. After all, as a doctor, she was always on call if ever there was an emergency. "Yes, baby. Mommy will try her best to find the time."

Helpless, she could do nothing but agree, feeling a little hurt that she might have given the child false hope. "Alright, mommy."

The kid sounded hopeful, thinking that it had always been her daddy doing the chores and spending time with them.

In fact, Nadia even thought Charles was going to be a servant around their house.

Aside from cooking, bathing, and clothing, he still had to drive them to school every day—on top of his responsibility as a company CEO.

Nadia knew that Nancy used to do all these things, but now it was her daddy who did all of them. And because of that, the young girl noticed the changes around the house.

However, Nancy couldn't explain that since she had been but in charge of a department, and a lot of things had been handed on her plate. But that was not either the case as working had never been burdensome to her. It was just she couldn't let anyone else do her job, especially now that she was filled with speculations of conspiracy in the hospital.


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