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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Cansington Station.

A tall, muscular man in a dark coat and dark glasses walked out, his phone glued to his ear.

“Have you got the information?”

“Yes, General. The girl who saved you from the fire ten years ago is Thea Callahan. She survived after that, but she’s been badly disfigured due to the fire.”

The man tightened his grip on the phone, his expression darkening.

It was a hot summer day, but the temperature dipped suddenly.

There was a gust of cold wind, and everyone who walked past the man shivered involuntarily.

His name was James Caden.

Ten years ago, the Cadens were burned alive, falling victim to a scheme against them.

Without regard for her own safety, a young girl rushed into the inferno and saved him.

All 38 of the Cadens lost their lives that night, and the first family of Cansington was no more.

After he was rescued, he jumped into the river. It was the only way to survive.

He ended up in the Southern Plains where he became a soldier.

He spent ten years rising through the ranks. From a nameless grunt, he was now the general.

He had challenged an elite army of 30,000 single-handedly. He had gone on a solo mission, infiltrating the enemy camp and capturing their general alive.

He was the legendary Dragon General of the Southern Plains.

He was the Black Dragon, a name that struck fear in his enemies.

He was the youngest general Sol had ever seen.

Once he was made general, he decided to retire and return to Cansington. He had debts to repay and revenge to take.

He had to repay Thea for saving his life and to avenge his family.

“I want all the information you have on Thea.”

“I’ve sent it to your email, sir. Please take a look.”

James hung up and checked his email. There was a message waiting for him.

Thea Callahan, female, 27 years old.

The Callahans were second-class citizens in Cansington.

Ten years ago, Thea was still in senior high, a Year 3 student.

It was a Sunday, and she was on a day trip to the suburbs with her friends.

In the evening, she heard the cries for help from a burning villa. Without regard for her own safety, she rushed in and saved a young man.

That young man was James.

The accident completely changed Thea’s life.

She was lucky enough to survive, but she suffered burns all over her body, leaving her horribly disfigured.

Since then, she has become the laughing stock of her classmates. Everyone talked about her behind her back.

“Thea, I owe you my life. I’ll spend the rest of it repaying this debt of gratitude.”

“The Xaviers, Frasiers, Zimmermans, and Wilsons owe me a life debt. Now that I’m back in town, I’ll make them pay. For the deaths of my family, they’ll pay in blood. All of them.”

James clenched his fists, entering a multi-purpose vehicle without a license plate.

A man wearing a black tank and cap was behind the wheel.

He said, “General, the Callahans will be selecting a husband for Thea in three days. Patriarch Lex Callahan has issued a statement. As long as a suitor is willing to marry into the Callahan family, he’ll be under the Callahans’ protection after the wedding.”

James frowned. “Selecting a husband?”

“Sir, the Callahans are quite a prestigious family, yet Thea is now considered the ugly duckling of Cansington. No one will marry her, and she’s the laughing stock of the family. Old Mister Callahan is desperate, so he came up with this idea. Thea may be disfigured, but many still covet the family’s business and wealth. With that as an incentive, they would be willing to marry into the family.”


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