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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12

James pouted helplessly.

“Get me the dress from my closet,” Thea said, ignoring him. “There’s an important banquet tonight.”

James stood and walked toward the closet. “Which one, dearest?” he asked, opening the closet door.

“The white one, with the V-neck.”

“That won’t do. You can’t expose yourself in public like that. This one looks good.” James grabbed a black, high-neck dress and handed it to Thea. “Oh, right. What’s the banquet for?”

“Rowena Xavier- of the Xaviers- is hosting an auction banquet. There’ll be lots of great items there, so almost everyone that is attending will be famous in one way or another. I’m going to expand my network while I’m there.”

James paused when he heard that, but recovered immediately. “Need me to give you a ride?” he asked.

“I’ll take the cab.”

“Oh, okay then.”

Thea left after changing into her dress.

James left soon after, giving her family a random excuse as he did.

In the Xaviers’ villa.

The Xaviers had one remaining villa left. All their other assets had been liquidated, including real estate.

The Xaviers were gathered inside the building.

Sat at the helm was a middle-aged man clad in military uniform.

He was Trent Xavier, Warren Xavier’s fourth son.

Trent was a soldier on the western border, which meant he was on a mission when Warren died and had not been able to leave. When he finally managed to rush back home, it was already too late.

However, the murderer left a clue. They were a remnant of the Cadens that had fallen ten years ago. So, he rushed to the Capital overnight in search of the man in power that had ordered the extermination of the Cadens and the retrieval of Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge, in hopes of having his questions answered.

Alas, his efforts were fruitless, save for one piece of news: The reason why Thea Callahan became disfigured was because ten years ago, she was afflicted with burns while saving someone from the Cadens’ villa!

The man in power ordered an investigation into who Thea Callahan had saved.

With that news in hand, Trent left the Capital and returned to Cansington.

When he finally got home, however, he discovered that the Xaviers had been bankrupted. Thea Callahan, too, had played a big part in this.

A beautiful woman sat at his side. Her skin was virtually flawless, and she seemed to be ageless. This was Rowena Xavier.

“Trent, father’s killer may be a mystery, but Thea Callahan was the one that bankrupted us. Joel told us Alex Yates only tore us down because of that woman’s call!”

Trent’s expression darkened as he clenched his fists. “No one gets away with making enemies of us, not even Alex Yates," he growled. "I'll show the world that our family aren't pushovers. No. Tonight, the Callahans fall!"

The Xaviers' banquet auction was held in Cansington Hotel.

Outside, luxury cars lined the entire road, and celebrities milled about the building.

These were all people Rowena had invited.

Although the Xaviers had been bankrupted and people were reluctant to attend this banquet auction, the news that Trent Xavier had returned convinced them otherwise.

Trent had contributed greatly to the Xaviers’ rise in Cansington, since he was a soldier on the western border and was quite high up on the ranks.

Two men in black trench coats approached the Cansington Hotel.

Henry paused for a moment at the military presence outside the building. “Hey, James, these are western soldiers. Does that mean Trent Xavier is back? I’m pretty sure he’s the Blithe King’s confidant. His rank’s pretty high, too, as the deputy commander.”

“The Blithe King?” James scoffed. “Even if he were here tonight, I’ll have him kneel before me if he dared get in my way.”

The Five Commanders were famous in Sol.

The Black Dragon of the Southern Plains, the Centurion of the North, the Blithe King of the West, the Barbarian King of the East, and the Emperor of the Capital.

In terms of influence, the Emperor was the strongest.

Yet even though the Black Dragon had been General for the shortest amount of time, he was the strongest in terms of raw power. Even if the other commanders all came at him at once, they might not be his match.

Besides, the Black Dragon had another title: Asclepius, god of medicine!

His medical skills were unparalleled, able to revive even the dead!

He could even stop Death’s scythe in mid-swing. As long as someone had even half a breath left in them, he was able to save them!


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