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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125 

Henry could not find anything about the underworld forces involved in the operation.

Yet, there were names listed on the document.

They never entered the Caden residence.

Instead, they had concealed themselves outside as a pickup to prevent things from going sideways.

Among them was Black Wind Xander.

James never expected Xander, who he had previously killed, to be one of the main culprits behind the destruction of the Cadens ten years ago.He was deep in contemplation.

The information revealed that there were still others besides the known ones.

Where was the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge? Who was the mastermind? James remained silent.

The stone building was eerily quiet.

After some time, James took out a lighter and burned the information in his hands.

Casting his gaze on Jake and his men still kneeling on the floor, he hissed with a look of indifference on his face.

"Get up and speak to me."

"I-I’m scared." Jake was trembling.

"Get up!" James roared.

His roar scared the King of the Underworld out of his wits, and he collapsed to the floor.He tried to stand, but his legs were wobbly.

James stood and dragged him by the collar.

He asked coldly, "Where is the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge? Who are the influential men mentioned in the information? Who was the mastermind behind this?"

"I-I don’t know."

Jake’s wrinkled, old face was beaded with sweat.

His teeth clattered.

"G-General, I-I really don’t know."

James angrily shoved him to the ground.

"Trash.Why should I keep you alive then?"

He had a murderous look on his face, "D-Don’t…"

Jake was shaking like a leaf.

He hurriedly replied, "G-General, the Moonlit Flowers on Cliffside’s Edge is in the Capital.As for in whose hands, I really don’t know.I’m just someone who’s in charge of the underground intelligence network.My intelligence organization dare not infiltrate the Capital yet, Oh, yes.I remember…"


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