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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 128

Chapter 128

 Eleven o’clock at night.

Thea and Yuna hung out for the whole afternoon.

The former had tried every means to inquire about the identity of the ghost-masked man.

However, Yuna avoided answering the question.

Thea was unable to focus the whole day.

Late at night.She recalled the past while lying in bed.

Ten years ago, she had gone on an outing with her classmates, and they were playing near the river.

Suddenly, she saw a villa being engulfed by an inferno in the distance.

They immediately rushed over and heard cries for help from inside the villa.

After a brief hesitation, Thea charged into the flames and rescued one person.

However, the survivor jumped into the river after being pulled out of the villa.

Another flashback of the past surfaced in her mind, Cansington Hotel, top floor.

Trent pinned her down on the auction table and slashed her face repeatedly with a knife.

Thea remembered the desperation, the helplessness, and how powerless she felt.

Just when she was about to give up, a man wearing a ghost mask appeared.It was a moment in her life that she would never forget.

Those powerful hands picked her up and saved her from that hopeless situation.

Unfortunately, she fainted.

She was unaware of whatever had happened next!

 ‘Yuna mentioned the ghost-masked savior of mine was the one I rescued from the fire from the Cadens villa ten years ago.Who could he be?’ Thea muttered softly.

At that moment, her ringtone went off.She lifted her phone and found that it was James calling.

Thea shook her head.

"Thea, you have a husband.How can you be thinking about another man? Putting away her thoughts, she answered the phone.

"Darling, I’m outside.I forgot to bring my keys when I left home.Come help me open the door."


Thea got up, walked out of the room, and went to open the door for James.

James waited for a while, and the door was opened shortly.

Thea showed up dressed in her pajamas.It was a very thin and slightly see-through set of white pajamas.

Moreover, she was braless, and the scenery inside was vaguely visible.

"Look at the time right now.Where did you go?"


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