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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 136

Chapter 136 “W-what’s going on?” 

“Did Yuna invite Lex?” 

“That’s impossible. Lex humiliated himself outside the military region and even got thrown out by the general. He must’ve been so embarrassed, but why did Yuna invite him?” “Could it be that he came uninvited?” 

The crowd began to discuss Lex’s appearance. 

Everyone at the banquet consciously stepped away, not wanting anything to do with Lex. 

Tommy was complacent and said with a proud expression, “Grandpa, look at them. You’re so famous in Cansington that these people are backing down to show respect to you.” 

Hearing Tommy’s flattery, Lex was on cloud nine and wore an undisguised pride on his face. 

He spotted Yuna and approached with his cane. With a smile on his face, he said, “Ms. Lawsons, I’m honored that you personally invited me to your birthday banquet.” 

Yuna frowned. 

She nodded lightly and showed slight acknowledgtnent since Lex was the grandfather of James 

wife, Thea 

“Happy birthday, Ms. Lawson. I got you a pair of jade bracelets as a gift. It’s not worth much, only about two million. I hope you like it,” Lex said as he presented the gift he had prepared. “That’s so thoughtful of you, Mr. Callahan. Have a seat,” Yuna greeted and invited Lex to sit down. 

Everyone paid attention to them and was puzzled by the scene. 

Why would Yuna invite the patriarch of a second-class family to sit down? 

Could it be that the Callahans had a connection with Yuna? 

The sight was really unusual. 

By the way, Thea seemed to have a very friendly relationship with Yuna. Was that the reason? 

Many people secretly made guesses about the abnormal scene. 

Previously, everyone had already seen Thea and Yuna sticking together and they seemed to have a good relationship. 

Although Thea was kicked out from the Callahans, she was still from the family, and it was possible for her to return one day. 


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