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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149

Thea sat in front of her computer and designed clothes. 

James did not understand the designing process and did not want to disturb her. He went to get his mat and spread it out on the ground. 

He glanced at Thea, who was seriously designing, and a smile that even he did not notice formed on his face. 

The next day. 

David’s car that got into the accident has been taken to the automobile center to be repaired and was already fixed. Today, he was going to pick up the car and finish some follow-up procedures, including registering insurance and so on. Gladys and the whole family were naturally going to follow him. Before leaving, Gladys asked, “James, can you drive?” James nodded. “Yeah.” 

Gladys threw him a car key and instructed him, saying, “Xara will be coming back today. You take David’s Hondai to pick her up.” 

James scratched his head, “Who’s Xara?” 

“Xara is my cousin. She just graduated from college and finished her practice in the field. She’s planning to come back to further her career in Cansington,” Thea explained. 

She took out a picture and handed it to James. 

“This is Xara. I’ve already called her and sent her your photo. She’ll be arriving around eleven in the morning. Don’t forget. I’ll send you her number later.” 

“What’re you doing today?” asked James. 

“‘Yuna said that she’ll be signing a contract in the commercial city today and wants me to come along to look around. I want to follow her and learn some stuff,” said Thea. 

“Alright,” James replied. 

He would be more relieved if it was Yuna. 


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