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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 20

Chapter 20 

"Oh, what about grandfather? We could still talk to him!"

Thea, who was still crying, came to a sudden realization.She tugged on James’ arm, saying, "Let’s talk to grandfather! He loved me the most when I was young.He would never cast me out.We can beg him to take me in!"

She grabbed James, pulling him behind her.

Looking at Thea’s tearful face, James’ heart twinged.

He said, "Calm down.Let’s go to the villa now and speak to him."

"Yes.Let’s go now."

Thea had just escaped Trent’s clutches.

Coupled with being cast out of the family, she was at risk of having a mental breakdown.

Foolishly, she thought that she would be welcomed into the family again after talking to Lex at their villa.

However, he was the one who cast her out in the first place.

James had no choice.He had to calm Thea down and ensure her emotions were stable before deciding what to do next.He did not want to take her hope away, so he brought her to the villa.

Soon, they reached the entrance of the villa.

Thea rang the doorbell and started pacing anxiously.

The door opened after a while.

It was Tommy, Howard’s son.

As soon as he saw Thea, he started yelling, "Thea Callahan, you jinx! You're still alive? What are you doing, coming back here?"


James slapped Tommy.

When Thea’s mom was scolding her, James restrained himself out of respect as she was an elder.

However, Tommy was in no position to rebuke Thea.

James’ slap was powerful, causing his face to redden immediately.He even spun around in a circle before falling to the ground.

Tommy lost his senses for a few seconds.His ears started buzzing.

A few seconds later, he collected himself and reacted.

Getting up and pointing at James, he shouted, "How dare you hit me? I’ll kill you!"

Tommy raised his fist, ready to hit James.

"What's this?"


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