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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 240

Chapter 240 

Thea walked out of the room and was relieved that Zavier was gone. 

“You brat!” 

Gladys immediately scolded as soon as Thea walked out of the room. 

“What’s so good about James? Zavier is from a wealthy family with assets of over one hundred billion! He’s Gavin’s only son and will inherit the family business sooner or later!” 

“Mom, I’ve got something to do. I’ll head out first!” 

Thea hurriedly ran out the door. 

After she left, she phoned James and said, “Darling, I’ll pay a visit to Longevity Pharmaceuticals to ask Yuna for some orders so the Pacific Group call resume production.” 

James nodded. “Alright.” 

James walked out of the room since Thea was busy 

As soon as he walked out of the room, Gladys, who was in the living room, immediately stopped him, “Stop right there!” 


James walked over awkwardly. 

Gladys took out a card and slid it on the table. Then she said indifferently. “There is five hundred thousand in this card. It’s some of my savings Take it and divorce Thea immediately You’re not worthy of Thea, so stop wasting her time” “Mom, you have savings? Didn’t you say you had nothing left when we wanted to buy the car insurance?” David’s eyes widened. “Why can’t I have some of my own savings? What will our family eat if I don’t have anything saved?” Gladys said with a furious expression, 

David immediately shut up. 

He continued to play with the Firarre’s keys in his hand and glanced at James 

“James, I admit that you have been doing great with the housework, but…you get the drill. You’re not worthy of my sister. Are you capable of buying me a million dollar sports car? You obviously can’t, but Zavier can.” 

James did not know how to react. 

He felt that he needed to reveal his identity. 

Otherwise, he would have no status at all in this family. “Mom, I have money. The House of Royals also belongs to me,” James said helplessly. “Ha! You’re a really big liar. Why don’t you say that Transgenerational New City is also yours?” David teased. 


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