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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 

Benjamin was about to say something when Gladys beat him to it.

"Oh, now you want to talk? What were you doing earlier on, cowering in the corner? It’s so embarrassing being your wife. I want a divorce!!!"

There was a crowd at The Gourmand’s entrance.

However, none of them were interested in their family argument.Their minds were still on the Blithe King.

"The Blithe King’s succession ceremony is in five days."

"oh, yes.I heard that it'll be held at Cansington’s military region.Apparently, the ceremony will be open to the public, but only the most powerful and influential people will receive an invitation."

"That's what I heard too! Only the true upper-class families who are rich and powerful enough will be able to attend."

"Ah, I bet the only people who will get invited are the celebrities." Everyone was busy talking about the Blithe King.

Not James though.He sat on a chair outside The Gourmand, smoking a cigarette.

To save her family, Gladys had embarrassed herself thoroughly.She even knelt to Belinda! After lashing out at her family, she calmed down a little.

"Gladys, is that you? You're here too!"

Benjamin and his family were waiting in line to enter .The Gourmand when a voice rang out.Gladys looked up.

A pretty, well-kept woman approached, holding the arm of a man in a suit and tie.

A young couple followed them.


Gladys stood up.She was surprised as she surveyed the woman before her, who still looked like she was in her twenties.She asked, "Are you Felicia Lockwood? The same Felicia who sat behind me in class?"

"That’s right! Gladys, it really is you! I haven’t seen you in years! My, your social standing seems to be deteriorating, isn’t it? Once upon a time, you were the school belle.I thought you’d marry rich! Who knew you'd end up this way, even having to wait at The Gourmand?"

Felicia glanced at Gladys, her hand still on the man's arm.

"This is my husband, the chairman of Lucky Logistics.He has a net worth of tens of millions.What about you? Where’s your husband? What does he do?"

Gladys knew that Felicia was showing off.She jerked Benjamin toward her, holding her head high.

"This is my husband, Benjamin Callahan, a ten-percent shareholder of Eternality.The Callahans’ have a net worth of billions, while my husband is worth millions."

Since Benjamin had become a shareholder of Eternality, Gladys was finally able to enjoy some social standing.

Glancing at Felicia out of the corner of her eyes, she felt more and more gleeful.

Felicia looked surprised.

"Wow, really? Eternality’s shareholder, eh? Then why are you still waiting in line? Aren’t you a member? Oh, I know.You were just boasting, weren’t you?"

The man next to her said, "Fel, I have a lot of work to do today.Hurry up, let's go.I have to be in the office again later on."


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