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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 

"You're right.The Wilkins are so lucky.They have such a dutiful daughter who married a Wilson.Chad and The Gourmand's owner must enjoy a special friendship."

Felicia and her family were dumbfounded hearing what the crowd said.

Chad was confused as well.

What was going on? He had only made a reservation for the Silver Room, and he had never seen The Gourmand’s owner before either.

Why was he here in person? However, thinking that he had managed to command the attention of The Gourmand’s owner, Chad turned gleeful.He lifted his chin and put an arm around Emily, enjoying the admiring glances from the crowd.

Felicia was more arrogant than ever.She even turned around to look at Gladys purposefully, letting out a haughty hmph.

Gladys was enraged.She blamed James for all of this, the useless worm.

"You piece of trash.Look at them! Look at the company they keep! Even The Gourmand's owner is here to greet them in person," Gladys yelled at James, who frowned slightly.

Henry never made mistakes.What was going on? He looked at Bryan who was still bent over.

Understanding flashed in his mind.

Bryan must have gotten the wrong person.

As Felicia and her family were just entering the restaurant, he must have mistaken Emily for Thea.

Loudly, he announced, "Thea, we’re not eating here anymore.Let’s go."

After that, he grabbed Thea and walked off.

Still standing by the entrance, Bryan heard the name and jolted upright.He looked up to see James and Thea turning away.He shuddered and slapped himself.

In his haste, he had made a mistake.

Hurriedly, he caught up with them and stopped in front of Thea.

Respectfully, he asked, "Are...are you Miss Thea Callahan?"


Thea was stunned.Dumbly, she nodded.


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