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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 332

Chapter 332

Everyone’s attention turned toward the voice, and another group of people approached from the distance. 

The leader was a middle-aged man dressed in a suit and looked like a very successful person. 

This person was Bryson. Behind him was a long-haired man dressed in a black singlet and a dragon tattooed on his body. This man was Dylan Nell. 

Another 20 subordinates followed behind him. 

These men carried stretchers. 

Many people were lying on these stretchers. They were bruised and groaning in pain 

“Who are these people?” 

The Hills were puzzled. 

Jedidiah walked over cautiously, seeing that these people wore very stern expressions.

“Who are you guys?”

“Where’s James?” Dylan ignored Jedidiah and demanded James. Everyone’s eyes were fixated on James. Thea was also confused. ‘What is this about this time?’ 

Dylan seemed familiar to her, but she could not remember where she had seen him before. 

James glanced at the vicious-looking Dylan and recognized the visitor. This was the person who caused trouble last night.

“I’m here. What’s up? Is there something you need?” James approached him calmly and asked coldly. Dylan took out a sharp dagger as soon as he identified James. Then, he immediately charged at James and roared, “I’ll kill you to avenge my brothers!” James turned his body slightly and dodged the dagger. He quickly grabbed Dylan’s hand and twisted it with great force. 



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