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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 340

Chapter 340 

James hung up the phone and smoked a cigarette outside before returning to the house. 

The Hills were still debating who would be attending the review. 

Just then, Clinton’s phone rang. 

He answered the phone. “A-Alright, General Nolan. I understand.” He hung up The Hills’ eyes were fixated on him.

“Clinton, did General Nolan call again?” asked Jedidiah. 


Clinton took a deep breath and said, “Grandpa, I have some good news. Tomorrow, the Black Dragon of the Southern Plains will be at the military region and give a lecture to those selected for the special training” He jumped excitedly after announcing the news. “The Black Dragon! I’m finally going to see the Military God!” The Hills meinbers were stunned 

The Black Dragon? The Black Dragon was coming to North Cansington? Thea was also slightly taken aback and thought to hersell, ‘Is the mysterious Mr. Caden also in North Cansington?’ 

Clinton calmed down, sat down, and continued, “However, General Chase called to inform me that family attendance has been canceled, and I won’t be able to bring family members this time.” 

Hearing this, the Hills’ youngsters were disappointed. However, they were still excited and surrounded Clinton knowing that he could meet the inilitary god, the guardian of Sol, tomorrow 

“Clinton, can you get an autograph for me?” 

“Clinton, you must tell me what the Black Dragon looks like tomorrow!” 

A group surrounded Clinton. 

Xara glanced at James and thought to herself, ‘Why are you suddenly going to the military region, James?’ 

Although she was puzzled, she dared nol question James’ actions. 

Then was disappointed throughout the entire evening. 

Inside a foorn on the Hills’ villa’s third floor 

Thea was lying in bed, using her hands as a pillow as she stared blankly at the ceiling. James sat beside her and was thinking of an excuse to leave tomorrow 


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