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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Early the next morning, James received a call from Thea.

“Hey honey, I’ve managed to get in touch with my classmate. She’s willing to help and has set an appointment up with the chairman, Alex Yates. Where are you? Let’s go to Celestial Group’s office now and secure the order. Grandfather will accept you then!” Thea’s excited voice sounded through the phone.

“Wait for me at home. I’ll pick you up in a bit.”

After hanging up, James rolled out of bed and got ready at top speed.

“Where are we going, James?”

Henry was already waiting with the car.

“To Thea’s.”

“Hop in.”

James complied. With Henry at the wheel, they reached Thea’s place in no time. They waited for her outside.

Thea appeared soon.

As she was going to meet the chairman of Celestial Group, Thea had put in extra effort to groom herself. Wearing a pretty, form-fitting dress and her black hair hanging loose over her shoulders, she was a vision to behold indeed.


Having seen the black multi-purpose vehicle approach from a distance, Thea jogged up to the car with a joyful expression on her face, saying, “My classmate pulled out all the stops. She’s made the appointment for us, so all we have to do is show up at Celestial Group’s office.”

James smiled thinly.

It had nothing to do with her classmate at all. If he had not spoken with Alex Yates, there would not be any appointment to speak of.

However, seeing as Thea was so happy, he decided not to spoil it. Instead, he complimented her. “I knew it. You’ve got this, darling. It’s all up to you now. If we don’t get the order, I’m out.”

Thea smiled brilliantly. “Don’t worry. I won’t let that happen.”

She might still be hazy about the details of James’ background, but she had been to his villa before.

The House of Royals was the poshest villa in Cansington, and it had a hefty price tag attached to it. Any Tom, Dick, or Harry would not be able to afford it.

She felt impossibly lucky that he was hers. Now, she wanted to prove her capability to him.

She wanted to show him that she was no longer the old Thea. Even though she had been a laughing stock for years and years, she kept up with her studies at home and was an accomplished scholar.

“Let’s go, darling.”

Thea got into the car.

James said, “Henry, to Celestial Group’s office.”

Thea cuddled up to James and thought about what happened last night. She said, “Honey, did you know that old Warren Xavier was killed last night?”

The Xaviers were the leaders of The Great Four.

As the head of the Xaviers, Warren was famous. Everyone knew who he was.

At the Xaviers’ banquet last night.

There was a celebration where they celebrated the partnership of Megatron Group and Celestial Group. Now that Megatron would be getting first dibs on Celestial’s orders, their business and influence would expand even more.

It was also Warren Xavier’s eightieth birthday.

However, a mystery person crashed the party with a coffin. He beheaded Warren and took his head with him. News spread fast, and it was the hottest news in Cansington at the moment.

Now, the relevant departments were investigating the incident.

There was not much to go on with, though.

James pretended to be shocked at Thea’s question. “I went straight to bed after I got home last night. I didn’t know about this. The Xaviers are part of The Great Four in Cansington, right?”

“That’s right,” Thea said. “The Xaviers are the leaders of The Great Four, and their businesses span various industries. Megatron Group alone, belonging to them, is more powerful than all the Callahan’s businesses added up, and the Xaviers have plenty of businesses too.”

Thea looked slightly envious. “All the women in Cansington desperately want to marry the Xaviers so that they can enjoy an easy life.”

James smiled a little. “Didn’t you have a chance yesterday? Divorce me, and you’ll have your chance.”



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