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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 7037

However, when the two goddesses were at their wits’ end, an unfamiliar voice sounded from outside the tower.

“Greetings, Divine Marius.” Marius grunted.

“Who are you?” The unfamiliar voice responded, “Divine Marius, I am Yule Quirin, the eldest disciple of Emperor Qadeer.

I was ordered by my teacher to send an invitation to invite you to participate in the Wuia Integration Gathering that will happen two epochs later.

Marius suddenly said, “Move aside.

I’m not interested.” After a loud sound, it was quiet outside the tower.

However, the conversation that happened outside the tower could be heard by Thea and Yiulia.

“Has Xanthakos returned to the Forty-Ninth Heaven?” Thea looked at Yiulia.

“Does that mean my husband and Morgott have lost?” A look of solemnity flashed across Yiulia’s beautiful face.

“This is only a matter of time, but I’m more curious as to why Xanthakos wants to hold the Wuia Integration Gathering at this time.” Upon hearing that, Thea frowned.

She had heard of the Wuia Integration Gathering before.

It was a huge event of unprecedented scale in all worlds.

It was held every 99999 entrapochs to commemorate the place where Waitara escaped.

On the surface, it was in the name of commemorating and respecting Waitara’s Daoism.

It welcomed the establishment of Waitara.

However, in actuality, it was the Five Path Emperors fighting for power, forming teams by getting all the forces in all worlds and hidden gods.

After calculating the time, Thea realized that it hadn’t been 99999 Epochs since the last Wuia Integration Gathering was held.

Why did Xanthakos hold it in advance? Suddenly, Thea widened her eyes and exclaimed, “Xanthakos formed a team in advance.

Perhaps he has encountered a stronger opponent and trouble that needs to be solved urgently.

Then, she looked at Yiulia.

“In Forty-Ninth Heaven, who can bea threat to Xanthakos’ status?” “James, Morgott, Taichu and Taiyi are all possible.” Yiulia took a deep breath.

“However, Xanthakos fears Lord Goyo the most.” “Lord Goyo.


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