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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 7430

The divine light broke through the mysterious space, illuminating the Historial Palace and the 81 halls of Wuia Palace, repairing all that was damaged and making everything appear brand new.

However, the light did not stop there. It surged outward, its radiance breaking through Wuia Palace’s barriers, extending its reach to the Forty-Ninth Heaven.

The Pro-James Alliance, led by Emperor Cosimeon, stood on one side. The alliance boasted the mightiest warriors from the Wyrmscale Source, Taichu Daonus Realm, Yiulia Daonus Realm, and Cosimeon Daonus Realm.

Opposing them was the Anti-James Alliance, commanded by Emperor Stavros. He had rallied all the former subordinates of Xanthakos and had marshaled Taiyi, Goyo, Stavros, and other unorthodox factions.

Both sides professed allegiance to or opposition against James, but beneath their declarations lay a deeper truth—it was a decisive battle for dominion over the Forty-Ninth Heaven. Since the mysterious disappearance of James and his allies, they had endured relentless skirmishes, culminating in this tense standoff.

The tense atmosphere reverberated throughout the place, making it clear that a battle could break out at any moment. Despite the situation, Cosimeon and Stavros met for final negotiations.

Stavros sneered, “You keep flaunting a dead man’s name to show off your power, Cosimeon. Do you have no shame? Are you not embarrassed? James has been dead for who knows how long. Even Taiyi, Taichu, Marius, and Yiulia disappeared without a trace. Yet, you’re still living off a dead man’s reputation.”

Cosimeon sneered, “Are you afraid? Even after all these years, does James’ influence still make you tremble in fear? You’re still terrified at the mere mention of his name?”

He threw his head back and laughed, “I pity you, Stavros. It seems James is an eternal nightmare that you can never escape. The more you fear him, the more we will remind you of him.”

Stavros waved his hand and retorted, “Cut the act. You’re just using James’ name to assemble his die-hard followers, but you’re just sending them to their deaths for your own interest.”


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