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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 7432

James’ Primordial Spirit scanned the surroundings. Just as he was about to take another step forward, a stream of Nothingness Aura gathered into a massive gray cyclone in the void ahead. A stream of Innate Energy instantly shot out from the rapidly rotating cyclone, accompanied by countless purple-red spears wrapped in terrifying and violent murderous energy.

Without flinching, James’ Primordial Spirit stood its ground. As the Innate Energy attacked, a dazzling divine light enveloped him, shooting upward to form an enormous barrier.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions echoed through the Jawdat Region as the spears collided with the barrier.

The spears exploded on impact. The resulting shockwaves created a howling wind and a storm of lightning.

The cyclone intensified, increasing the power of the Innate Energy. It shot dense spears mixed with growling spirits.

James’ Primordial Spirit frowned, raised his hand, and unleashed a colorful dragon that clashed with the Innate Energy, both forces locked in a fierce standoff.

“By embracing the path, one’s heart achieves enlightenment. It seems you’ve surpassed the Waitara Path, derived from the Forty-Nine Daoisms,” a powerful voice boomed from the cyclone.

James remained silent as he waved his hand and unleashed a colorful phoenix. After letting out a piercing cry, it rushed toward the cyclone.


Another burst of Innate Energy erupted from the cyclone, clashing with the phoenix.

The mysterious powerhouse said, “Don’t you have the Nine Treasures of Nothingness? Why don’t you use them? It’s such a waste. Instead, you’re casting such fancy but useless attacks. You still don’t understand the power of being the Haleth Realm’s controller.”


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