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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8

James shrugged. “What do you mean? I’m just an orphan. How could I possibly meet Alex Yates?”

“Oh, come on. What about the House of Royals then?”

James launched into an explanation. “How could I afford it? It belongs to a friend. We grew up together at the orphanage. He’s out of the country and knew that I needed a place to stay, so he graciously allowed me to stay there and look after the house for him.”

“Really?” Thea still looked doubtful.

“Of course. Why? Planning on divorcing me if the House of Royals isn’t mine? A little materialistic, aren’t you?”

“No!” Thea pouted. “You helped me recover and gave me a new lease of life. We’re married now, and I’m your wife. Money is not a problem. I’ll take care of us!”

“Thea, I’m sorry! It’s all my fault!”

Just then, a woman rushed over and threw herself against the car window.

Her hair was a mess and her face was red and swollen. From the looks of it, she was just beaten up.

The woman was Jane Whitman.

Linus followed closely behind her. He yanked her hair violently and threw her against the car, hard.

“You b*tch! I lost my job because of you! I’ll kill you!”

“James…” Henry started to say.

James waved his hand. “It’s none of our business. Let’s go.”

“Honey…” Thea looked at Jane, who was heavily injured. Worriedly, she asked, “Honey, will everything be okay?”

James smiled at her. “They’re having a lovers’ tiff. We’d better not get involved.”

“Thea, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that you knew the chairman. Please help me.” Jane fell to her knees, begging Thea.

After Linus had finished beating her up, he came to the front of the car. He took out a pack of cigarettes that cost a hundred dollars per packet and offered one to Henry. “Bro, no, kind sir, could you please wind the window down? Please let me speak to Miss Callahan.”

Henry turned around to seek permission from James.

James nodded lightly.

Henry wound the window down.

Linus moved to the back and offered a cigarette to James.

James did not take it.

Linus smiled awkwardly. “Miss Callahan, it’s my fault for not knowing how important you are to Mister Yates. Please do me a favor and tell him not to fire me.”

He took an envelope out and offered it to Thea. “Here’s ten thousand dollars as a small gesture.”

Thea looked at James.

James put his arm around her and smiled. “Darling, let’s go. We have to show grandfather the contract. We’ll only be an official couple with his approval.”

Thea understood, nodding in agreement.

Furthermore, she did not know Alex Yates and could not help either of them.

It was their own fault anyway.

“Henry, let’s go.”

“Got it.”

Henry started the engine and drove off.

“Thea…” Jane remained kneeling on the ground, crying her heart out.

Thea ignored her. In the car, she stuck her tongue out at James, smiling mischievously. “Honey, do you think that both of them lost their jobs because of me?”

James said, “Not entirely. Celestial’s a huge company, and they would never allow a worker like Linus to spoil their name. With the way he was abusing his power, it was only a matter of time before he got fired. All you did was hasten things along.”

Thea felt relieved after hearing James say that.

Soon, they reached the Callahans’.

Ever since the Callahans learned that Thea had recovered her looks, they had made plans for her.


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