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The Alpha Claimed Me Deeply novel Chapter 42



Xavier’s pov:

This is what I had feared. A weakness.

I had a fucking weakness.

And that weakness was Aurora.

(Aurora’s pov)

The door creaks open about ten minutes later after Xavier stormed out. A blonde head girl enters, her soft smile brightening the tense room. Her face was familiar, she was perhaps the other girl who brought food for me the other day. In her hands was a tray filled with what I presume was food.

My belly grumbles, remembering I hadn’t eaten anything as yet.

I move my swollen red eyes from her, gulping as I bring my knees to my chin. I got dressed as soon as he left the room. I didn’t want his food, his pity. He can take the food and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.

In all honesty, I was now actually very angry with him.“

I listened to the sound of her footsteps as she nears, until she stops just at the edge of the bed.

“Hey, Alpha Xavier said you hadn’t

“I’m not hungry.” I cut sharply, twisting my body away from her.

“Oh,” She mumbles softly and for a second I feel guilty for the way I spoke to her. But if she was anything like Josie then I don’t think apologizing would be to my benefit.

“But probably you should…eat? Your stomach sounds like it needs the uh food.” The girl suggested after a pregnant awkward pause.

Just as her words slipped out, my stomach decides to agree with her. It grumbles loudly, crawling on the four walls around me until I grew embarrassed by its loudness.

Feeling flustered, I turned to the girl, my eyes falling on the tray she held in her grasp. Sighing, I nod. “One bite won’t hurt I guess.”

She beams, her glossy pink lips splitting into a dazzling smile. “Good! Because you’re so thin

Her eyes widen in horror. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that. So sorry if I offend you. It’s just that it would be lovely to see you have a proper meal.”

She smiles sheepishly, placing the tray on the bed. “I made sure to give you a bunch of grapes. They’re so big this season and juicy too. Ah and you must try the butter biscuits, they’re to die for. Oh and the lemon tarts

“I’ll try them all.” I giggled, unable to stay cold in her presence any longer. She was a talkative girl.

She smiles sheepishly, removing the cover to reveal all the food she just worded out seconds ago. “Sorry I like to rumble about food. Sometimes I think my first word was food related and not shit like my mom told me,” She giggles, pushing the tray closer to me.

I smiled, enjoying the conversation more than I thought possible. “That wouldn’t have been as memorable as the word shit I suppose.” She hummed, flicking her eyes to the ceiling as if in thought.

“I think my mom probably was doing me a favor. Perhaps wanted me to sound cooler than the other kids.” She snorts.

“Nothing’s cooler than the word shit,” I laughed lightly. Grateful she was somehow causing a distraction.

The girl laughed, eyes dancing. ” My name is Sarah by the way. I’m a maid here, kind of. I’m usually a chef, in the making of course. I’m still learning. But hey, try out the lemon tarts first. I made them myself.” She pushes the tray closer, and surprisingly plops down on the edge of the bed.

Her brown gaze stared at me in excitement. “Well go on. I want to hear what you think about it.” She chirps. She can barely contain her excitement, nearly bouncing on the bed when I reached out for the lemon tart.

I brought the tart to my mouth and bit into it. The first thing I tasted was the tang of the lemon then a burst of……salt.

I nearly spat it out but thought it would be too improper and would probably hurt her feelings. So I chewed it quickly, smiling, maybe grimacing at her while nodding. ” It’s good.”

Sarah looks at me for a few seconds before throwing herself on the bed. ” Everyone lies to me. How am I supposed to get better if they keep lying? It sucks, throw it out before you get a tummy ache. “She sighs heavily

I quickly swallowed because there was no napkin to spit it out but did put the rest of the tart back on the tray.

I wouldn’t touch it again with a ten foot pole.

“Seriously I did warn you that I was a chef in the making. I did not say I was thee chef.” She mumbles, looking at the ceiling.

I looked at her with raised brows. “Was that what you would’ve told them if I died by those awful tarts?” I joked.

“Honestly I did not think of that.” She laughs sitting up then suddenly scuttled to her feet. “Oh shit the alpha is going to kill me for being on his bed.” She stared at the spit she was on in horror.

But then after a few seconds brushes it off. “I’ll just say I fell. Anyway, I heard from Josie that your name is Aurora. Lovely name by the way.” She chirps out quickly, her brown eyes staring at me kindly.

I stiffen at the mention of Josie, but relaxed when she complimented me.” Thank you.”

“You really have a lovely name and I’m stuck with this common name. Like who names their child Sarah? I’ve scolded my mom many times about her dumb decision My dad on the other hand thinks it was a cool name back in the day. I mean how back in the day are they talking about? We’re in the 20s and I’m just nineteen

“Oh, I’m rambling again. It’s a curse, I can’t sadly get over it.” She sighs after she notices my wide eyes.



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