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The Alpha Claimed Me Deeply novel Chapter 43


(Aurora’s pov)

“Just up ahead.” Eli said lowly as he walked in front, his stance stiff and probably regretting agreeing to bring me here.

I nod even though he couldn’t see me and wrapped my arms around myself.

I feared of what he’d say to me but I had the determination to make him see that, perhaps we could make this work. Perhaps he doesn’t have to send me away to protect me.

Maybe we indeed needed each other and parting ways would not be to our benefit.

I needed to make him see.

That I was worth it.

But as Eli stopped a few feet away from what I presume was Xavier’s study, my heart dropped and dread weighed heavy in my gut.

I was terrified. But knew if I were to show him that I was indeed worth it, I’d have to be stronger. Act stronger. Show him I was stronger.

So I pulled in a sharp breath through my nose and let it out through my parted mouth. I needed to relax if I were to speak to him.

Eli tums to me, slightly grimacing as his eyes turned foggy. He was mind linking someone. I had a feeling it was Xavier.

After his eyes had cleared, he coughs, looking anywhere but me.” Are you sure about this Aurora? He’s pretty frustrated and angry i n there,”

I could detect concern in Eli’s voice and it was enough for me to summon a reassuring smile.

I nod, silently coaxing myself that Xavier was my mate and he’d never hurt me intentionally.” I’m sure,” It was like I needed to reassure myself that I indeed wanted to do this. There was no backing away now. Just a few more steps and I’ll be faced with him again

Just a few more.

I gulped, staring at the concerned eyes of Eli and smiled. He barely knew me but somehow he was looking at me with this emotion I don’t see on a daily.

“111 be fine,” I added, sidestepping him and walking towards the door.

I will not take anything bad he has to say to heart. Deep down he wouldn’t mean them. I reassured myself like a silent prayer as I pry the door open.

His eyes are cast down to the paper on his desk, pen in hand as he scribbled something hastily, as though in a hurry to get it out of the way.

I give one last fleeting glance to Eli, who only smiled, or should I say grimace before I closed the door. His eyes had told me enough, he was wishing me luck because I needed it.

With the clicking sound of the door shutting, I take note of Xavier’s broad shoulders stiffening. He was clothed, thankfully. Perhaps had entered the room when I went to use the toilet after he left. I wasn’t gifted with the unique senses and hearings of wolves, so of course, I’ll not feel disappointed that I hadn’t heard him.

“My mind will not change.” Came his gruff and unemotional reply.

I played with my fingers in front of me, staring at him with burning eyes of desperation. Why can’t he see that I want to stay here with him?

I gulped the lump that was in my throat and took a step forward, my posture stiff as a rock. “I didn’t come here to change your mind,” I lied which came out smoother than I anticipated.

I was getting good at this. A bit too good.

Xavier’s head lifts and the amber in his eyes set fire in my belly. They were beautiful. Too beautiful to belong to a beast. But I wasn’t so sure he was actually the beast everyone feared. He showed me a side of him, that I don’t think he had yet to show to others.

A gentle side.

A caring side.

A side where he’ll choose to protect instead of listening to his selfish heart’s desire.

I didn’t know much about mates but I was willing to find out with, him. I was willing to do whatever possible to be by his side and this time not for the selfish reason of just needing protection, but the need to actually be in his presence and take the warmth he was willing to give.

I wanted him.

Beast or not, I wanted him.

I don’t fear him anymore.

Perhaps fear the unknown feeling he gives me, but not fear him in a way I want him away from me.

I really do want him.

” Then why have you come here then Aurora? Why have you left your room to find me? I cannot give you what you want,” He grumbles. I am quick to hear the pause in his breathing when the lies roll out of his lips.

I pinched my fingers, calculating the seconds that ticked by with the heavy pregnant pause. I do something that unnerved him, I took a step forward, then another, and then another until I was basically by his side.

I fixed my gaze on Xavier’s neck, looking closely at his pulse. It was quick. Really quick.

Somehow that brought comfort in knowing I can do to him exactly what he does to me.

“You and I both know that isn’t true Xavier,” I whispered.

Xavier’s eyes close as he breathes in sharply and I’m quick to notice the shudder that he failed to hide.

“Don’t,” He grunts, opening his eyes only to reveal that of red crimson.

I don’t let his sudden emotions affect my composure. Instead, I step impossibly closer until my legs almost brushed his.

I could feel my heart pummel in my chest and I swore I could hear the sound of my own blood running through my veins as his gaze pierced me with a maddening heat.


“I know you’re the alpha Xavier, you’re the leader of the pack. But you’re also my mate. And I have the right to also choose if I want to stay with you or go. And I choose you. I want to stay.” I finally admitted in a breathy tone that nearly had my lungs collapsing by the lack of air.

Xavier’s sharp intake of breath reaches my ears and I found the sound delightful. Arousing even. To know that I cañ unsettle his emotions like he does to me was undeniably pleasurable in ways I do not understand.

Suddenly Xavier’s on his feet, his body pressing to mine his hands going on my waist, and his lips connecting with mine.

I gasp, shocked by his swift yet arousing actions. He grunts, brutally pushing his tongue into my mouth to meet my tongue where h e dominated with heated flicks of desire.

I arch my back, his fingers pressing into my skin as he draws me to him. I can only seem to breathe heavily and moan like I was in some kind of heat.

I was though. I was very hot at the moment. It was like someone had set me on fire. And that someone was the alpha of the Crimson Moon pack.

Xavier soon grows impatient, the flicks of his tongue getting desperate as he sought for something. I hear the sound of papers being swiped aside, books thrown and I swore I heard something break. But Xavier doesn’t pull away, neither of us do.

My hands reach in his hair, tugging at his soft strands as I am too desperate for something he alone can give me.


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