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The Alpha Claimed Me Deeply novel Chapter 44


:Xavier’s pov;

“You’ve really outdone yourself this time Xavier.” Eli murmurs, leaning against the wall, his legs crossed, his arms crossed.

He looked tired and noticeable unnerved.

“Spit out whatever you need to tell me,” I grumble knowing he had heard every single thing that happened in my study. Which meant that he knew Aurora was my mate. I should’ve made those walls soundproof.

I’ll have to look into that.

Eli face tums into one of shock as he places his hand on his chest, feigning a look of hurt. “You wound me Alpha. You make it sound as though I’ll accuse you of keeping such a huge secret from me. Although I’m disappointed in knowing you didn’t trust me enough to tell me about her, I think I know you too well to know how arrogant and sometimes too proud you can be. You’d never let anyone know your weakness. ‘He snorted.

I narrowed my eyes on him, my jaw ticking. He was right. I didn’t want anyone to know my weakness, which was one of the main reasons I kept the truth about Aurora away from them.

“Don’t anger me Eli You know how Reckon can be.” I warned.

‘I will not hurt the fool for he’s actually right. But he failed to mention that you’re one of the biggest idiots alive. You’re a useless human who doesn’t deserve her. I should

I push Reckon at the back of my head, forceful and with much effort.

I ignored Eli and opened the door to my room. There’s no heartbeat and no sound of faint breathing. The room is empty.

I stiffen

“Where is she?” I turn to Eli with a snarl, anger rising and admittedly fear.

His gaze shifts to the other room and he nudges his head at the door. “She went in there. She’s upset Xavier and she looks like she needs her space.”

I didn’t like my Gamma telling me that my mate needed space, especially space from me. But I knew he was right. She’s upset.

I caused this but in order to protect her from my burdens and my enemies, I have to let her go. I know I’ll probably grow weaker without her here but that’s something I’d willingly suffer if she’s at least safe and away from my troubles,

“You can leave now Eli. I’m here.” I mumble, after calming my raging anger.

He looks reluctant but nods. “I won’t tell Samuel or Chris if that’s what you feared. Like I’ve said millions of times before Xavier, you can trust me.”

I gave a single nod, detecting the truth in his words. He turns around to leave but I stop him. “Be outside before five in the moming. We’re going hunting for any evidence that it’s Raphael who’s the culprit.”

Eli tums around his eyes shifting from the door to my face before smirking. “Planning to avoid her until she leaves?”

When I don’t answer he laughs and walks away. When he’s out of sight, my gaze is drawn to the door.

I’m just going to take a quick peek to see if she’s alright.

Just a quick peek, nothing more.

But as I opened the door and stared at the lump on the bed, my heart raced. I didn’t want to let her go.

While I was devouring her essence, I looked for that mark Rodrick said might be there. There wasn’t any. So I had no more doubts she was actually my mate and not some witch’s creation

She was my mate.


Which meant protecting her was my top priority.

I listened to her soft shallow breaths, the sound of her heart, and the sighs she lets out. I relish in them. Making sure I keep them safely in my mind because I knew this would be the last night I’d hear them.

“Then reject me. If you’re tossing me out. Reject me.”

My eyes move from her body on the bed as her words from earlier shattered the steel around my heart and made it hurt.

If only she knew that I can’t simply bring myself to reject her.

Not because Reckon wouldn’t allow it, no. Because every single part of my being wanted her. Needed her.

I don’t know when exactly it happened, but somehow she snuck her way inside my heart. Maybe it was the bond or whatever, but I can’t seem to bring myself to care.

There was this burning desire to claim her.

But protecting her was stronger than all other emotions.

I looked at her one last time, using my wolf vision to see her properly. My fingers itched to go over to her and swipe some of her tendrils off her face.

But instead, I opt to close the door, clench the handle tightly until the metal bent awkwardly and cut through my palm. My warm blood drop to the floor.

I welcome the pain. I’d welcome anything at this point, just to move my thoughts off of her.

I remove my hand from the handle and walked toward my room. I would try to sleep tonight. But knew I wouldn’t be able to. Not with her in the other room and so far from me.

For a second, I wonder how I’d cope when she’s away. How the hell would I cope now that my heart was already familiar with her?

I grunt, opening the door, the wound on my palm already stitching to heal as I entered the room.

(Aurora’s pov)


There was something heavy in my gut when I woke up. The feeling of dread.

I sat up, my eyes falling on the heap of clothes that Lily had given to me. He must’ve brought them inside here or sent someone to drop them.

I move off the bed, my stomach twisting with anxiety as I make my way to the bathroom to relieve myself.

When I was done, I showered to move any stench of what happened last night. I didn’t want to remember anything. If he wants to let me go then I would go. But not with those last memories.

After getting dressed, I waited patiently in the room. I wasn’t going to go with anything he had given me. I will only go with Cassandra’s bag. The very same bag I came here with.

Minutes went by until the door is slowly opened. Sarah’s head peeks inside and her mouth forms an ‘o’.

“I was not expecting you to be up already,” She admits, fully entering with a huge bag in her grasp.

“Why waste time? Better to leave now than later.” I said stiffly, calculating the steps she took until she is beside me.

She looks at me in pity and puts the bag on the bed. “I guess we’ll be on our way then?” She asked, her tone airy and soft.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.” What do you mean we?” I voiced out my thoughts.

“Alpha Xavier was very strict on seeing you safely out of the border. Beta Samuel we’ll be the one to escort you out. I’m merely going with you until I know you’re safe and on no man’s territory.” She says, her gaze saddening.

“I honestly thought my prediction would come true and he’d grow some balls. But I guess sometimes it takes longer on some men than others.”

I was sure she’d very well get in trouble if someone catches her bad mouthing her Alpha in such a way. But she looks like she didn’t care,

So forcing out a smile, I rose to my feet. ” It’s honestly fine. He doesn’t want me here. I shouldn’t have stumbled on his territory in the first place. It’s actually a gift he’s sending me away and not killing me like he has done to others. “I murmured softly.

Sarah grimaced, hoisting the strap of the bag over her shoulder. “You don’t have to bring that along. I don’t want it.” I said, tearing my gaze away from her.

Chapter 44 1


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