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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 4

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 4 by desirenovel


The Kingdom of Phanteon boasted a vast and grand land. Naturally, I would place watchtowers in every boundary to ensure the safety of my people. In addition, I ordered guards to make rounds every hour day and night. The realms have had nothing but peace ever since it was created, but it pays to be vigilant sometimes.

My men were doing well with their duties, but a king like me preferred to check the lands from time to time, be outside the castle and see if everything was in order.

Evenings were my best times to shift into my werewolf form. I’d run all over the kingdom, sometimes not stopping for hours until dawn hits the horizon. It was my way of keeping up with my form and stamina. I found running exhilarating and I found it a good way to de-stress from the dramas of my court.

Like for example, in this very night where I just found out my crown was under threat.

My father was known to use underhanded means in getting what he wants. I never expected he’d use it on me. When Elijah told me about the decree, I immediately called the Council, ordered them to eradicate it, but unfortunately for me, they refused, saying my father’s words were absolute, nonnegotiable, and executory.

I had to control myself not to deliver all of them six feet under. I’m now the Alpha. I’m now the king. I was supposed to have full control over my subjects but it seemed my father made it sure I couldn’t worm my way out of this problem.

The hell.

Running around my kingdom successfully decreased my anger of the night’s unfortunate events. I had calmed down, but still, the thought of having to take a woman to be my queen still lingered inside my head. As to how I’d do it, I had no idea yet, but I’d be sure to use underhanded means to fulfill the decree.

An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. It’s time to use my father’s teachings against him.

When the early morning sun hit my metallic black fur, it was my cue to return, but instead of going back directly to the castle, I went to my manor that was located in a nearby lake, northeast of my kingdom. Made with the finest stones in the land, my father gifted this abode to me when I successfully first shifted at the age of twelve.

This manor had since become my place of sanctum. The only place free of worries, ministers, and women. Mostly especially them.

I was looking forward to a peaceful bath inside my bathroom; however, exactly the moment I stepped inside the entrance of the building, I sensed a presence. Someone was inside and it was giving out a scent that was both enticing and poisonous to my nose.

I was in a guarded mode immediately.

Slowly, I traced where the scent was coming from and it led me to my chamber. The intruder had the gall to actually trespass my most sacred space.

But instead of frowning more, I grinned, looking forward to ripping this intruder’s head off with my bare hands.

As I entered my bedroom, the scent grew stronger and stronger. I was torn between gagging and relishing it. I was certainly almost tempted to do the latter and that made me angry all the more. This intruder could be using magic in order to get to me.

Once inside, I looked around but there was none in my chamber. No sign of any soul at all, both living or dead, or otherwise.

It was only when I opened the double doors of the bathroom when the scent really did hit me in large volumes. I growled in displeasure.

Maybe it was the oils used that threw me off earlier that’s why I hadn’t really realized who it was immediately, but now, as I stood in front of a very naked woman using my pool, I knew for a certain who she was.

The first thought that crossed my mind that moment was, ‘I’m going to wring Elijah’s head for this.’

The woman was sitting comfortably on a partly submerged section of the pool, but I could see clearly she was butt naked like I was whenever I shift back to my human form. I was certainly naked earlier too, but all thanks to witch magic, werewolves, and lycans alike didn’t need to worry about procuring a dress post shift. Now, I was properly garbed in my casual outfit of a white tunic and loose trousers; a perfect look to interrogate this woman again.

The way her back curved and the way it looked flawless and pristinely white against the sun’s rays, it tempted my eyes to ogle instead of looking away. I clenched my hands, feeling disappointed with my idiotic show of weakness. She was just showing a lovely, feminine back. No big deal. But I hated how I couldn’t keep my eyes off of it.

I continued to look on, still deliberating on how to interrupt her, but then out of the blue, she stopped drying her hair and glanced up.

Our eyes met; hers instantly showed surprise while mine, seesawing between anger and amusement.

“Shit!” she cried out before she jumped into the water.

I neared the pool, chose to stand directly above the sloping steps to block her exit, and then waited for her to resurface.

After a minute, she did, but she was on the other side of the pool away from my reach.


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