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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 47

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 47 by desirenovel


I couldn’t deny it, Ehnrelil boasted a beauty unlike any of the kingdoms I had come to visit. Just as I remembered, their ground looked like silver bricks. Their sky, a neon color of orange, blue and pink. Their houses were invisible, only arches of flowers and leaves gave clues to its existence. There were a variety of greenery in every corner I looked, all mixed up with the kingdom’s glowing quality. There were waterfalls everywhere and with these waterfalls came mists that surrounded the greenery. Such was its sight, but a sight I couldn’t stomach that long.

I was itching to go back to my own world, but due to royal duties, I had to stay until the crowning of Ehnrelil’s new king. The way Queen Adna and High Elder Geraden gave me looks of contempt earlier didn’t warrant any of my respect, but again, to show face, I had to attend the ritual.

But while waiting for that to happen, I decided to avoid any company. Choosing to spend my time on top one of Ehnrelil’s towers, I looked down and observed the frenzy of the faes. They were a bunch of glittery, vomit-inducing shimmery creatures that were jovial for today’s event. The fact that most of them in the streets were females all the more gave me a headache. The males, I reckon, were probably under armors and helmets, instructed to guard their posts or guard the coronation hall.

While watching, I then sensed someone behind me. I was supposed to be on guard, but no, this one was not hostile.

“Let me guess, you’re scouting, right? Checking if the fae realm is any good for your weres to visit?”

I didn’t need to face him to know who he was.

“Unfortunately, you’re wrong, King Lucien. I prefer peace that’s why I’m here,” I answered. “But scouting this realm won’t be a bad idea too. I might reconsider it, although I doubt my subjects would like to visit such a sickeningly bright world.”

He let out a deep, throaty chuckle afterward and a mere second later, I felt his presence on my left.

“It is sickening indeed.”

“I heard you’ve been in and out of Earth for some time now,” I started, still looking at the frenzy below. “What’s so special there that you had to leave Zaxonia under the care of your sister?”

“Hmm, my wife and children of course. I have twins,” he answered without delay. I sensed pride in his voice and that little hint of genuine happiness with the hum on his chest.

The corner of my lips grew a small smile. “Well, good for you, Your Majesty.”

“Destiny has its way of providing for us kings. You’ll soon have yours when the right time comes.”

“Hmf, I highly doubt that,” I voiced out, chuckling in disbelief, but at the back of my head, Serena’s face popped out.

The. Fuck.

“You’ll stay longer here?” he asked, stepping back.

“Yes,” I answered; my mouth in a neutral line.

“Then, I’ll go ahead. See you at the coronation hall.”

“Reserve a seat for me will you?” I faced him and dipped my head.

“Gladly,” he answered and in a blink of an eye, transformed mid-flight into his beast form; stretching his enormous wings and his scorpion-like tail.

A second later, he was gone.

“Fucking show off,” I muttered, grinning.

After another half hour of observing, finally, the sounds of trumpets filled the air. I watched as faes dressed in their best clothes emerged from the flower arches and flocked the footpaths going to the coronation hall. That said coronation hall was a kilometer away from where I stood. I could have easily just transported myself there, but because of my limitations inside this kingdom, I couldn’t. I had to trek in the same footpath the way the locals do.

I bid my time until there was little to no fae visible. Just to be clear, their footpaths were somewhat like puzzles, narrow enough to only accommodate two standard-sized coaches and walled on each side with white luminescent rocks covered in vines. They were interconnected with each other like cobwebs and organized in a way that only fae creatures could understand. I excelled in tracking and reading directions, so getting lost was far from my worries.

I jumped down from the tower and landed smoothly in one of the footpaths. The impact created a considerable crack on the road, but I just shrugged the problem off. Let the locals fix it for all I care.

I admit. It was initially my intention to leisurely walk towards the hall. If I was lucky enough, the coronation would be done by the time I arrive. But again, to show face, I had to be there on time.

Walking the footpaths was easy. I was satisfied enough with the peace and quiet I was getting until a bothersome creature blocked my path.

It was the size of my foot, poised in all fours, with its snout sticking up as if sniffing me. It was slender in built, with a weird-looking coiled tail and fur that was shiny, the color of midnight blue.

Experience taught me not to trust such creatures especially with stiff ears and big, feline eyes, so I shooed it away, but it audaciously ran to my boot, wrapping its tail around my left leg. It purred and nudged its head lovingly against my ankle.

I clenched my teeth. Now up close, I could definitely remember why I hated this animal.

“So, you’re still alive huh?” I wriggled my leg but it clung to me like a leech. “Get off me or I’ll skewer you piece by piece. You’d like that don’t you?”

The animal looked up, giving me googly eyes, but I wasn’t affected.

Bending down, I picked it up by its fur and held it in line with my vision. It squirmed on my hold as a result but squirming in a sense that it wasn’t trying to escape. It was trying to reach to me, most likely to cuddle me again.

Damn feline.

“You never listen huh?” I growled low. I watched as no one other than me was on the footpath. “Right,” I grinned at my idea, “then, goodbye.”

With that, I tossed it over the footpath and into the waterfall below. It screeched, probably asking for help, but its sound didn’t last long. I opened a portal underneath it just before it touched the water, consequently transporting the damn animal in another place. To what portal it was for or to what realm it ended up to, I had no idea, and fucking I didn’t care. Let the animal help itself for all I care.

Now, back to the matter at hand, I continued to my destination without feeling any kind of guilt, but as I trekked, I couldn’t take my mind off the fact that that animal had an owner, or owners so to speak.

“Adamar and Adaen,” I murmured. Maybe this coronation might give me a chance to meet them again.

I grinned and for the first time since I stepped in this realm, I felt hopeful.

“Hmf, I can’t wait to see these two.”


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