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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 53

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 53 by desirenovel


Transporting myself inside the war room, a deep scowl was already etched on my face. Elijah was already sitting in one of the chairs of the oval table, dressed still in his travel clothes. Agotta, or the realm of the witches, was a fifteen-day ride by horseback and five days lesser when traveled in wolf form. There were two gates through it when a visitor wishes to cross. It cuts the travel time in just a day, but even then, it would still cost the traveler tired muscles and a whole lot of migraine.

That was exactly the second reason why I didn’t want to visit that place. The first was simply because that realm was filled with women. The first and last time I visited Agotta was with my father when I was young. Like Ehnrelil, I couldn’t stomach how glimmering and bright their world looked.

Elijah had volunteered to be my vassal when dealing with the witches and I was under the impression he had enjoyed each of his visits there. Our magical food and the ability to be already wearing clothes post-shift were one of the many gifts given to him by the witches. Of course, despite my refusal, he talked me into accepting them for the benefit of the general ′were′ community.

Staring at him now, he didn’t look like he suffered complications post-travel, but he wasn’t the usual jovial man either.

“Speak,” I started, my voice almost sounding like a growl. I sat at the head chair and glared at him, ready to execute my anger at a moment’s notice. “But I’ll warn you ahead, Elijah, make your report count.”

“Oww, someone is stingy this morning,” he feigned hurt, wincing, but then he threw a toothy grin at me.

I stand corrected. It seemed his playful side was still intact.

“What now? Did you and Queen Serena bicker again?” he asked.

My sour expression didn’t change, but at the back of my head, I snickered at his remark. Oh, we did bicker alright and more. So much more.

“What news have you brought me?” I asked him again, diverting his attention from the sensitive subject. He didn’t need to know Serena and I consummated our so-called fake marriage. If he did, he’d likely pester and tease me with how quick I caved in.

Elijah, clueless, leaned forward towards the table and released a long sigh.

“I got good and bad news for you. Which—”

“The good,” I interjected, preferring to set aside the nitty-gritty parts for later.

“Well,” he broke into a smile. “Lady Yllana and the Order of Witches met with me. The good news is they didn’t suspect us killing the three witches despite finding them in our realm. They understood our side and they are willing to help with regards to the investigation.”

Hmm, that’s wasn’t painful to hear.

“And the bad?” I asked, continuing to frown.

“We did the autopsy of the bodies and Lady Yllana used a spell to see their past and mayhap, see the face of the killer, but it was to no avail. There seems to be a force hiding the truth. She said the power was either ancient or novel, something she needed more time researching.”

I frowned even more. This definitely wasn’t a good sign.

“And another thing brother,” Elijah continued, making a serious face, “one of the killed witches was an elemental witch. She uses fire.”


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