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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 57

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 57 by desirenovel


“Is bringing me here the reward you were talking about?” I inquired, acting seductive, tracing a finger along my collar bone, and brushing a few locks of hair away from my shoulder.

“Partly, yes,” the king muttered. His eyes wandered down my exposed breasts and decided to test one nipple with his thumb. I inhaled sharply as tingles shot through my toes at the contact.

“And I bet I’ll be receiving the other part tonight?” I stated, smirking towards his way. Purposely, I bent my knee so that the bony part would hit his erection.

His hips jerked a little at the contact, then followed by a warning growl.

“If you behave, yes,” he told me. He transferred to the other nipple and carefully started stimulating it too. A soft moan escaped my lips because of it. Damn, his fingers were god-sent.

Reaching for him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

“But I can’t promise anything, Aero,” I told him, my lips stopping just inches away from his.

He heaved a sigh, one that was controlled, and then grabbed both of my wrists in a vice-like grip.

“Then, you’ll have to face the consequences again, my queen.”

He placed them above my head resulting to me fully exposed, fully vulnerable to anything he had planned.

My heart drummed a wild beat again and my breathing picked up. I was more than ready to receive whatever he has in store for me. So, so ready. So, so wet. I didn’t care if he’d shackle my hands against the headboard just to get that.

Drunk with desire, his mouth descended on mine. His tongue followed and started French kissing me with abandon. I was so happy to return the fervor.

Minutes later, he growled low, released my wrists, and pulled my gown down and off my legs lightning fast. Eagerly, I helped out with undressing him. First was his vest—which of course was very easy. Then, it was followed by his shirt. As it was already unbuttoned earlier, he had to only pull it off his arms.

The whole time, our kisses didn’t break. Our lips were super-glued together I was sure they’d get an apple-red color tomorrow. But, who cares?

Then, it was time for his pants, but we had prolonged too much of the inevitable, allowed ourselves to suffer from our desires that now, the thought of fully undressing or even the act of foreplay was considered gone with the wind.

“Aero, inside…” I muttered in between our kisses, “I want…you…inside. Now.” I hurried to unzip his pants.

With still my underwear on, my legs wrapped around his waist and I bucked up to feel his bulge. Happily, I was able to feel it and my goodness, he was already thick and deliciously long underneath his drawers.


He groaned, almost biting my lip, and then reached for my underwear. I thought he’d pull it to the side to make a clear path, but oh no, he instead ripped it to pieces. Easily. Without any hint of remorse. I didn’t need to wonder how. Heck, he was a werewolf after all.

“Hmm!” I complained, feeling sorry for my dear misused lingerie, but that muffled complaint turned to a sharp cry as his cock penetrated me, long and hard, and fucking to the hilt. Fucking direct to my cervix.

And I liked it. Dear heavens, strike lightning on me, I loved it.

The feeling of him inside me completed my soul. Completed my very being. Rhea and Elijah used to tell me that I’d soon find a good reason to stay in the Kingdom of Phanteon and I thought maybe…this was it.

My king. My husband. Aero… He would likely become a solid reason for my decision to stay. The wrist marks were the reason why I was forced to live in this realm in the beginning, but with the current situation now, I didn’t think I would want to go away. I didn’t think I would want the mark to be erased. I wanted to keep it. I wanted to keep him.

“Fuck, you’re so wet, so tight, Serena,” he grumbled against my ear.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I moaned underneath him, slowly adjusting myself with his girth. It was torture. It was sweet. It was agonizingly satisfying.

Tightly, I gripped his shoulders, readying myself for a good pounding and good gracious what a cycle of pounding it was. Thrust after thrust, the sound of our skin slapping and our overexcited voices enveloped the room.

He was in his element. From a missionary, he repositioned my legs; assisted one to rest on his shoulder while the other, he straddled.

His cock, coated with my juices, remained in the air for an agonizing second until he splendidly embedded it inside me.

They said all wonderful things come when one closes their eyes.

I chose to open mine and witness his power and rule over me. Witness his torso flex, his abdominal muscles tense, his forehead and chest decorated with sweat as he fucked me again and again.

“Ae…ro!” I cried out when the build-up of sensations were too much.

He increased the rhythm, penetrated me deeper, grunted, and groaned harder in time with mine until we both reached our orgasm.

Wracked with the inter-realm wave of bliss, I screamed the loudest. Cried out a string of expletive I learned from some movies on Netflix.

“Shit. Shit. Shit. Ahhhh!”

With a wolf-like growl, Aero grabbed my head and hoisted me up. He met me midway and crashed his lips on mine again, stopping my very vocal expression of our loving making.

His hot seed, it leaked along my groin nonstop and as if that wasn’t enough, my core kept on tightening, milking his cock even more.

“Goddamn, we should have consummated our marriage earlier,” he confessed, gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut.

I wasn’t sure if it was intended or not, but the words were out of the bag already. He had no way to deny it.

Cupping his jaw, I directed his attention on me and smirked. “Says the man who is more stubborn than an ox.”

He looked apologetic and disappointed with himself.

“I was rude and disrespectful to you, I know. I was a prick. You win.”

I controlled myself from laughing. It felt so good to have him realize his faults, but I didn’t want to add salt to his wound. I didn’t want to ruin his state of repentance.

“Yes, I win, but…” I pointed my eyes to our sexes and bit my bottom lip. “Do you have any plans to…uhh…pull it out?”

His eyes turned mischievous and that caused a flood of warning inside my head.

“Later. Let it drown inside your moistness first.”

“But Aer—ahhh!” I cried out when he suddenly drove his cock backward and inside me again. Damn it, he was tireless.

His large hand covered my mouth and then continued on moving his hips. My erotic pants were muffled. Even my breathing came out harsh.

“The night is still young, my queen,” he whispered close to my ear. “I aim to make up for lost times—all twenty-nine years of it on Earth time.”

My eyes rounded. I wasn’t sure if I could actually take such an enticing beating, but heck, let the rounds begin…

“So, in Greece?” I weakly stated, when after six more orgasms, he had finally allowed me some reprieve.

Laying on the side with his chest as my pillow, I looked up at his relaxed form and witnessed the twinkle in his eyes followed by a serene smile.

“Yeah, Greece,” he murmured. “Hearing you talk about your family over dinner earlier, I thought you missed being on Earth, so here we are.”

“But Greece though?” I gushed. “I had never been here.”

From staring at the ceiling, he rerouted his eyes on me. “I’m glad you find this change of location exciting, Serena.”

I chuckled.

“No wonder Elijah knows Greek language because you have an estate here.”


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