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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 87

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 87 by desirenovel


“It is done,” Lady Yllana announced and glanced at me. She tossed the brassiere on Hale’s way like it had cum on it, but the vampire lord just gladly caught it mid-air and stuffed it back in his coat pocket.

When he showed the garment earlier to Serena, I caught a whiff of the murderer’s scent. She was right to tell me this fae woman and the murderer-arsonist were the same. We shared the same anger and we shared the same desire to kill her, but I was pretty sure Serena wanted a one-on-one with this woman.

Returning my attention to the elder witch, she had already placed her hands on her lap and took a long, cleansing breath.

“When will she wake up, Lady Yllana?” I asked whilst sitting down on Serena’s side. She looked peaceful, almost having a death-like sleep. If her carotid pulse wasn’t visibly bounding then I would have thought her to be dead.

“Minutes from now, I reckon. Probably as fast as you. Queen Serena is your mate after all. Not to mention a hybrid,” she answered matter-of-a-factly.

Tenderly, I brushed my wife’s cheek.

“Then, I’ll stay here until she wakes up.”

Without peeling my eyes off of her, I turned my attention to Serena’s father who was still standing near the threshold.

“General, escort our guests to the other room,” I instructed, still feeling anxious with Hale’s presence. I knew I had nothing to worry about when it came to Serena’s attention. My anxiety was simply because Hale was my natural enemy. I still didn’t think it was a wise idea to include him in this war, but I trusted and respected Serena’s decision, so I allowed this in the end.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” General Halcynos lowered his head. Hale and Lady Yllana followed him to the war room while Elijah tossed me a short nod before following their footsteps.

Now that I was alone with my wife, I caressed her face more leisurely. I waited for her to stir and waited for her eyes to open, however, ten minutes passed, and still, she showed no signs of waking.

I decided to connect with her telepathically, my wolf to her wolf, but I received no response. That’s when I realized something was greatly wrong.

“Lady Yllana!” my voice quickly boomed. “Inside, now!”

Not a second long, she entered with Elijah behind her.

“Something is not right. She is still not waking up,” I pointed out whilst holding her still-warm hand.

The witch’s forehead wrinkled.

“Let me check her,” she said and neared us. First, she touched Serena’s head, then she checked her wrists. My eyes were glued to whatever the witch was doing, but then William’s voice resounded in my head.

‘Your Majesty! The walls of Ehnrelil are lowering!’

‘Lowering?’ I mind-linked back.

‘Hundreds of thousands of fae army are visible, Your Majesty,’ General Halcynos inserted, surprisingly already standing in the front line with Hale.

I smiled, the feeling of excitement and malice flooding inside me.

‘Geraden, is he with them?’ I asked.

′Yes, Your Majesty,′ both of them replied.

′Good,′ I nodded whilst my eyes fell on Elijah who was already looking at me with the same excited grin.

′Ready for battle,′ I declared to them. ′Hold our lines until our queen wakes up. Leave Geraden to me.′

On impulse, my legs brought me up. Lady Yllana gave me a confident look.

“Queen Serena just needs a little more rest, Your Majesty. She’ll wake up soon. In the meantime, I’ll take care of her. Now, go,” she assured.

God knows I didn’t want to leave my wife under such circumstances, but I was also needed in battle. If I needed to leave Serena to someone with more than capable hands, then it would be with the most-trusted witch in Agotta, Lady Yllana.

I nodded and with a puffed up chest, I marched to the opening. Elijah was already way ahead of me, already shifting to his werewolf form and already joining the front line, obviously itching for some exercise.

I was just about to step outside the tent when suddenly I was blocked by a dark form. This unexpected visitor stood a couple of feet away from me, hovering and naturally bringing with him his favorite intimidating weapon: the scythe.

“This is a surprise, Your Highness, are you here to join the fun?” I asked, giving the King of Sattus a grin.

His head shook ever so slightly. “You know I can’t take sides, King Aero. I’m neutral.′ His voice still gave out a lulling echo. It was unnerving.

“Of course,” I nodded, “So why are you here? You want to watch the battle in HD?”

“Hmm,” a rumbling sound of affirmation was heard before his boots hit the grass and neared me, “Yes that, and I have a second reason why I’m here.”

From the blade of his weapon, a string materialized, but it wasn’t just a normal string. I had seen these many times in my random visits to Sattus. It was the string of life. All living things be it werewolves, faes, witches, humans, vampires—yes, even them—and many more have this kind of string, and only the King of Sattus has rule over them.

“I want to show you this,” he stretched the lack-luster string so that it was taut in front of me.

I stared at it, initially lost until I realized whose fucking string it was.

“Damn it,” I cursed, quickly retreating inside the tent.

‘General Halcynos, my Alphas!’ I mind-linked as I strode back to the inner tent. ‘I’ll be back. In the meantime, get busy,’ I told them.

‘Yes, Your Majesty,’ all of them chorused.

“Lady Yllana,” I called, finding her still holding Serena’s hand.

“I don’t understand,” she cried out, confusion clear in her eyes, “She’s still not waking and she’s not responding to any of my spells, Your Majesty.”

Chapter 87 1

Chapter 87 2

Chapter 87 3


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