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The Alpha King’s Fated Mate (Gwen Louve) novel Chapter 63

Chapter 63
+5 voucher
The entrance to the old palace was already covered with weeds, grass and trees so Bert and Julius needed to clean it up a bit so we could begin to go inside.
‘No strange smells or anything so far’ Destine told me and I just nodded slowly before starting our journey inside.
Looking around I can’t help but imagine the time when the big fire broke out. ‘You’ll find the main lobby entrance, then the guest rooms are to the south, so you need to walk towards the stairs and start climbing them’ Remembering Titus’ words about the old palace last night as well as the map he described, I started to walk through the place.
Of all the things that burned and turned the walls black, I was surprised and wide-eyed to see that some photos seemed unaffected by the fire.
“Is this Titus?” I asked the two men who followed me.
They looked up and nodded “Strange thing that happened, none of the king’s photos were burnt” Julius explained and I smiled in understanding at his explanation.
As angry as Pearl was with Titus, she was still protective of the man who was my mate, not even a picture of him had been injured…
However, why would she curse him if even his picture was not destroyed by the fire magic she created? I asked Destine in confusion.
‘The fire of jealousy in the true sense… Pearl’s anger is actually because she is jealous of Katherine who is her mate’ Destine commented but for the first time I disagree.
If you really love that man, as long as he’s happy it’s your happiness right? I said to my wolf.
The Alpha King’s Fated Mate
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‘Not everyone has such mature thoughts, Gwen’ Destine reminded me and I sighed in defeat, she was right, the thing we can least predict is people’s hearts.
I was surprised when the last staircase I climbed cracked and shattered, but Bert’s quick movement to extend his hand to pull me up saved me from the shattered treads.
“Are you okay, queen?” Bert asked quickly and I nodded.
“This place is very old, we should be more careful” Julius added, helping me up and walking ahead of me to check the situation of the room we were about to explore.
There’s not much to see, the buildings inside are almost entirely damaged and covered in reeds and wild trees.
‘Yeah, I don’t feel anything other than the animals that already occupy this place’ Destine informed.
‘Gwen… Titus’ voice in my head reminded me that we were no longer in Trazmoz and that we could use the mind-link again. “There’s nothing here’ I replied to my mate who sounded. worried.
‘Get some rest, the sun has set again. You didn’t rest last night and went straight to the old palace’ It was an order and from the tone of his voice he didn’t want any arguments at all.
Letting out a long breath, I looked at the two warriors beside me, it seemed that they too had received orders to return with
Stepping out of the main door of the old palace, I wasn’t surprised to see my mate and the other warriors already waiting for us in front of the palace.
Smiling, I walked towards my mate who was waiting for me with open arms.
The Alpha King’s Fated Mate
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Disappointment washed over me at what we didn’t find here. Yes, I knew that it couldn’t be that easy but it wasn’t wrong to hope.
Titus wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we started walking together and kissed my forehead “It’s okay, there’s still time” he whispered trying to calm me down, he knew the disappointment I was feeling right now.
Walking into the palace, Titus stopped and looked into my eyes “Do you want to eat right away or take a shower first?” He asked gently.
“Do I smell?” I pouted.
He laughed as he shook his head “Of course not, what do I care about that, but I know women usually like to take a bath after a long trip” He added and I raised an eyebrow at him.
“Wow… I didn’t know you knew so much about women” I retorted quickly which made him shut up immediately but I hurriedly blinked my eyes before running away the moment he realized I was mocking him.
“You better watch out, woman!!!”
I screamed as I ran away from my mate who started chasing me when he realized he was being pranked by me.
Everyone around us smiled and laughed at their king acting childish like that for the first time.
Yes, it was only with me that he could become someone different.
I know our path is still rough and difficult, but at least I can make the most of the days I get to spend with him.
Third Party POV
“We must hurry before Alpha Raul smells our presence” One of my men in Spain said as I got off the plane.
The Alpha King’s Fated Mate
+5 voucher
I nodded in understanding and followed him back before transforming myself into my wolf form.
The howl of the wolves signaling they smelled the rogues made us hurriedly run away before the territorial guards came and stopped us.
Knowing that Titus went to Trazmoz, I had to see with my own eyes whether it was really him who was there or just a decoy.
With Morena gone, it was like I had no eyes and lost track of what was happening.
D*mn it!
Did they manage to catch Morena?
Where has the witch gone?
‘Are you sure they’re still there?’ I asked in my mind-link while running in my wolf form.
‘Yes, the two rogues managed to escape when they tried to stop King Rolf from heading there’ he replied.
But was it really Rolf Titus?
Could he really come to this place alone without any guards or warriors?
‘There are only 5 rogues left, all of them were killed when we tried to capture the king’s woman and the king himself he added and I cursed at the situation.
How is it possible that the 50 werewolves who managed to become my trusted people in this country are only 5 now?
In the absence of Morena, even with the addition of myself it would not be possible to defeat that nephew of mine.
D*mn it!!!
Trazmoz… What did they find there?
The only place Morena cannot go and all of them are in that
The Alpha King’s Fated Mate
+5 voitchen
Could it be that my little witch’s eternal secret had been discovered by them?
We continued to run relentlessly towards the wizard city of Trazmoz and upon seeing two other rogues in charge of scouting the city, I stopped in front of them before turning back into a human.
“What’s the news?” I asked as I put on the clothes that were handed to me.
“All the men you took from Alpha Raul were all killed, no one left Trazmoz, only 2 humans yesterday left with travel, everything else is still there” I furrowed my eyebrows at his explanation.
“2 humans?” I asked immediately.
He nodded “A young couple, sometimes human comes to Trazmoz”
“That’s them”
Because Trazmoz was once a palace that had fallen into ruin so long ago that it became a small, hilly town, it was easily visible from afar and with our werewolf sight, it was easy to recognize who and how many people were in the town.
I recognized Drake, Jose and their queen protector woman as well as the other wariors, but where was Rolf Titus and his white-wolf woman?
Walking forward to the end of the hill where we were hiding, I didn’t care if they could smell me or know I was here, but I couldn’t find their king and his mate.
Could it be….
They smelled me and knew I was here.
Alpha King’s Fated Mate
All the werewolves in the small town looked in my direction and some had changed into their forms, but I still couldn’t find the mate I was looking for.
A scam…
It’s a decoy!!
Da*n it!
They found out the secret about my black witch!
“We have to go, NOW!”


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