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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 37

Nyx's pov

"How long will you be gone mommy?" Amara pulled at my dress as I stood before the mirror with Helena brushing my hair and Willow trying to apply some powder on my scarred face.

"I don't know yet baby." I said to her, "But I will be back soon, I promise."

"Can I come with you?" She asked with a pout and I gave her a light smile. She couldn't come with me, Lycus had said that he wanted it to be just the two of us and I found it strange.

"No baby, you can't." I cooed at her, "You are going to play with fluffy, willow and mummy Helena while I am away okay?" I reassured her rubbing her head and she nodded before going to sit on the bed.

"You look wonderful my dear." Helena said as she finished with my hair. Her hands were placed on my shoulders and she gave them a light squeeze, "Lycus will be pleased."

"Can't wait to see the Alpha King looking all mesmerized." Willow squealed excitedly as she stepped away from me too.

I didn't say a word to them, I only smiled lightly in response. My gaze trailed to look at my reflection in the mirror and I couldn't believe their words of me looking wonderful and how Lycus would be mesmerized. 

My hair was done up in a loose bun and I had on a simple white dress which had cream colored buttons from the neck down till the waist line and they had given me flats to wear which were the same color of the buttons.

"Thank you." I smiled at them and they both smiled back, "Do you really think he would like me? Do I look good at least?"

"Stop thinking about yourself so lowly." Willow scoffed at me, "Come on Nyx."

"You look gorgeous as always my love." Helena gave me a kiss, "Now it's time for you to go give my son some butterflies." She winked at me and I blushed.

I kissed Amara goodbye before Willow and Helena hurried me out of the room to go see my mate. He had mind linked them that he was waiting for me downstairs.

Calm down Nyx, I can feel that you are so nervous, Hera said to me trying to calm me down, You just have to breathe and take it easy.

What if I mess it up? I don't even know where we are going? What if I do something bad or embarrass him in public? I let out all my fears to Hera and she did an eye roll before sighing.

Do not worry, none of those will happen, She assured me, Just be you.

Just be you! Just be you! I chanted in my head as I cut off the connection walking down the stairs to see my mate, But who am I? Who was I ?

I kept chanting the words to myself as I nearly reached the front door when I suddenly tripped over and fell flat on my face, "Ouch!" I cried out as my head throbbed in pain.

"Watch where you are going next time!" A voice barked at me, a very familiar one. I stood up to come face to face with the Beta, laya. She sneered at me while her eyes bore holes in my soul, "You think you are special cause he is taking you out?"

"Why didn't he take you instead?" I said before I could keep my words in me. She fumed with anger at the fact that I talked back.

"You ugly scarred bitch!" She screeched, "He is just using you!" She barked at me and her words hurt, "Wait till he is done, he will toss you aside and come back to me." She bumped my shoulder before storming away.

I tried not to cry as I smoothed my dress and got out of the castle. I couldn't let my only chance of having fun to get ruined. I walked towards where I was told Lycus would be waiting for me. He was already there leaning against a black car which I didn't know what type it was. He wore a white shirt and simple black pants, his head was bent low as he tapped away on his phone.

He raised his head up as he saw me, a small smile crept to his lips as I drew nearer, it made my heart flutter even though I knew that he was just using me, "You look beautiful Nyx." He got off the car and took quick steps towards me before pulling me into a hug. He sniffed at my neck inhaling my scent, "You are beautiful."

"Tha…nk you." I stuttered a bit amazed that he had complemented me. He pulled away and walked me to the car, it was at this point that my nervousness heightened. I had never been in a car before.

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