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The Alpha King's Rejected Mate (Nyx and Lycus) novel Chapter 33

Lycus's pov

"Who did this?!" Spyro growled furiously stepping away from the body, the anger he felt was way greater than mine and every single person present had their head bowed, "I asked a fucking question!" He barked at the Elders at the table. There was no answer which only enraged him further.

I swear I am going to snap every one of their heads if I do not get a fucking reply! He growled at me, They will pay for hurting what is mine!

Calm down, I tried to pacify him but he blocked me out and made way to where Nyx laid on the floor. Her crying daughter was already there placing her hands all over her. The girl flinched in fear on seeing Spyro.

"Calm down I won't hurt you." He said to her as he reached Nyx. She laid on the floor almost lifeless, she bled all over. He bent and licked her face but there was no response. He let out a loud howl in pain as he turned back to the table, "If I do not get a fucking answer, I am ripping all of you to shreds!"

"She deserves what she got!" The Beta spoke and I knew she was going to regret it with the way Spyro whipped his head towards her.

"What did you just say mutt?!" He growled at her.

Give me back control, I pleaded with him as I didn't want him to do anything rash, he wasn't thinking clear.

Laya shook with fear as he breathed furry towards her, "She tried to kill you." She said, "She deserved it." Spyro leapt jumping over the table and tackling her to the ground, gasps came from the crowd seeing what had just happened.

She whimpered as he growled at her trapping her with his paws, her neck was bowed in submission, "I am sorry Alpha." She said.

"I could easily snap your neck or throw you in the dungeons, all because Lycus tolerates you doesn't mean I will!" He said to her before walking away after giving her a growl. He gave me back control, I shifted and  ran over to Nyx quickly picking her up in my arms. I felt her lean into my touch as it comforted her.

You fucking caused this! Spyro reprimanded me but I ignored him and walked over to the table, their heads were still bowed and Laya was on her feet now fixing herself up.

"I understand your wolf is furious." One of the Elders spoke, "But my King she has to be dealt with, she is an abomination, she tr…"

"Complete your words, I dare you!" I said to him, my tone was low yet daring. He said nothing as I expected.

"He really is bewitched! Look at him being all protective over her! She has cursed our King! Oh the moon goddess save him! She really is a strong witch!" Murmurs loud enough for my hearing rose from the crowds making it really hard for me to keep my cool.

"Silence!" I barked at them and they all went mute, "Not another word! And anyone caught saying false things shall be hanged!"

"But your highness…" One of the Elders protested.

"Defy my orders, I dare you!" I sent her an icy cold glare that got her cowering, "I believe I am done here." And with my final statement I raced out of the place in a bid to get Nyx back to the healer and not the pack doctors this time, her wounds were too severe.

you know you could just teleport dumbass! Spyro snapped at me halting me in my tracks. I rolled my eyes at him and immediately did as he said.

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