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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 117


I've barely gotten a wink of sleep, my mind racing with all the possibilities of what my mother's safe could be holding for me. I go over the letter in my head over and over again, but most of it makes no sense at all. Why would she think that I would be in danger when we never lived in fear before, or maybe they had but hid it well from both my brother and me.

Tossing and turning in my bed, I finally say fuck it and get myself ready for the day at about four thirty in the morning. Ash won't wake up until around seven, so I still have plenty of time to get some work done in the office beforehand. Only, like my sleep, concentration doesn't come easily either, so I give that up as well.

I decide to go down and start on breakfast. I can't fuck that up too much, hopefully. Okay, so the only part of the breakfast that I can possibly make are muffins. It's the only thing that my mother really showed me how to make before the attack. Blueberry and chocolate chip muffins are the only two kinds that I can make, but I'm sure other flavors wouldn't be too difficult. In the end, I stick with what I know and I'm just taking the last batch out of the industrial oven when the kitchen staff comes in.

The three of them stop dead in their tracks, their mouths hanging wide open as they stare back and forth between me and the twenty dozen muffins laying all around as they cool.

Giggling, I place my hands on my hips, "I may not be able to cook but I promise you that the muffins are very edible; go on, try one."

The oldest of the three steps forward and takes a bite of the blueberry one that she chose. I can tell she was ready to hide her face, but then she smiles and covers her mouth when she speaks,

"Luna, they are delicious!"

I shrug, "My mothers were the best and I always worked hard to get them to be as good as here were."

"Well, I don't think she would be disappointed, Luna."

"Thank you! Now, I think I will get out of your way so you ladies can make the real food." I chuckle and toss the apron into the dirty laundry bin before I head upstairs.

It's quarter till seven by the time I get to Asher's nursery. Demi is already there, giving him his morning bath, "Here, let me do it. Go tend to Ayden and I will bring Ash to you when I'm done. Oh, there are muffins down in the kitchen. You may want to grab a couple before the warriors eat them all."

"Oh, that sounds delicious. Who made them?" She hands me the washcloth that she was using on my son.

"I did. Just finished them so some may still be nice and warm.” I grin.

"Oh, I don't know if I will make it down in time to grab any. Maybe. next time." Demi turns quickly and heads for the door.

"The kitchen staff tried them and loved them, so you're missing out!" I call over my shoulder. I know what she's thinking, and I can't really blame her. I've tried multiple times to cook something decent but I'm just not talented in the kitchen. I'm more of a fire hazard than anything."

Handing Ash off to Demi about thirty minutes later, I take the steps to the Alpha floor two at a time. Locking the door to the nursery behind rne, I walk over to Asher's crib and stare at the

North Star on the headboard of the crib. My heart is racing with the anticipation of what I'm going to find inside my mother's secret safe.

I insert the key into the star and turn it to the right. The box that pops out startles me and I jump back. I lay my hand over my chest and chuckle. Examining the box first, I reach up and pull it from its slot in the headboard. Closing the door to the secret slot, I hug the box to my chest as I leave the nursery and lock myself in my own bedroom. The last thing I need is Demi needing something for Ash and I have my mother's secret laying all over the nursery floor.

Climbing up onto my bed and sitting Indian-style, I take a deep breath as I stare at the box holding the secret that my mother has kept hidden. As I exhale, I open the box and the first thing that hits me is a familiar scent. Furrowing my brows, I bring the box to my nose and inhale once more. I would know that scent anywhere, and it's one that I miss horribly. I close my eyes and savor breathing in Gavin's scent for just a little bit.

A thought comes to me, though. Why would Gavin's scent be inside this box unless...


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