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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 118


It can't be true; I don't want to believe it! Although, it does explain a lot of things, like why I'm as fast as I am, and as strong as I am. I haven't even hit twenty yet, and that's when my full powers will kick in. Oh, my God, I'm going to have powers! I don't know how to handle any kind of power, and it's not like I have my mother or anyone else around to help show me...ugh!

'Wait a minute, Tala,' I pause briefly, 'Wouldn't Ash be the last Dire wolf?'

My wolf chuckles, 'Technically, yes, and he will come into his wolf at the age of twenty as well, but the legend speaks of the last Dire she-wolf. I think they left that specific part out so it would be harder to find you, knowing the danger you would be in. Legends aren't always clear, but they get the important part out and that is all that matters. If you really read into the legend, it does say that the last Dire wolf will be fated to an Alpha, and even though a she- wolf could be an Alpha now, during the time the legend was created, it was unheard of. So, it pretty much tells you there, that the last Dire is female.'

'So, Ash is the first of the next generation?' I ask, trying to understand it all.

'Yes and no. Our little Ash is the last of this line and the first of the next generation, but he's not going to be the first powerful because he was not conceived with the mate that the Goddess has chosen for you. He will have powers, but they won't be as strong as our next pup.' She explains.

'I see,' taking everything she is telling me, in, 'Wait a minute...back the fuck up. Are you telling me that we still have a fated mate?'

My wolf sighs, 'Yes, Quinn. Why do you think I was so against mating with Gavin and Mace. I loved them too, but I knew they weren't our true mates.'

'Why didn't you tell me?' I'm pissed now, not that I would change. any of my decisions, but still.


'The Goddess told me not to interfere. She told me that you were on the right track, so even though I didn't understand it, knowing that they weren't our fated mate, I wasn't going to question the Goddess.' I can feel the confusion coming from Tala, so I know she is being truthful with me.

'So, Gavin and I were supposed to mate and have a son.' I say more to myself.

'And he was always meant to die by his sire's hand.' Tala confirms, 'Our Ash was meant to be born, so don't ever think he was a mistake, Quinn. The Goddess has plans for him as well.'

'Plans or not, I would never think that Ash was a mistake!' I hiss at my wolf, and she smiles.

'I know you wouldn't, but I had to say it regardless.' Tala chuckles:

'So, now I have to wait until my birthday, and I will finally find my fated mate. What if I'm not ready, Tala? I still miss and love Gavin so much!'

'We will always miss and love him, and our mate will understand that, I promise."

'I need to run, Tala...'

'Then let's run...'

After letting Cam know that I'm needing a couple of warriors to come with me, but to keep their distance, I let Spence know that I' m going for a run before making my way to the tree line and undressing. There is a slight chill to the air this morning as I fold my clothes and stack them neatly by a tree. In no time at all, I'm shifting and letting Tala take over. I never realized how big my wolf has grown, but I pay attention now, as we shift, and I watch as the distance from my head to the ground grows bigger.

Realizing what I would look like to others and knowing that Gray Skies have eyes on my pack, I apologize to Tala and shift back. I can't put myself in danger; Ash still needs me, 'Once Gray Skies is taking care of, then we can shift.' I explain to her.

'I understand, Quinn. I can wait.' I can sense the sadness in my wolf, but I know that she wouldn't want to put ourselves in jeopardy either.

I get dressed once more and link the warriors letting them know that I'm not going for a run, but that I am heading to Storm River territory. I need to talk to Declan in person about this. I need to know how he knew, because I know that he already knew what I was. So, waiting until I had a set of warriors in another car to follow me, I head out of my territory and straight into Declan's.


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