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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 119



This is going to be an excruciating month and a half for me. Being near Quinn, but not being able to claim her is becoming harder each day and I'm finding myself keeping busy just so I won't go and see her. Tonight is the night that we are going to ambush the Gray Skies pack and make sure that they never hurt another innocent again.

I'm on my way to take both holden and my mother over to see Quinn while the rest of us go on our little mission. Quinn is pissed that she can't join us, and if I was in her shoes, I'd be pissed too. She hates having to rely on others, but she also understands that no one will protect our pups like she can.

"I haven't seen the pup in so long, Sara says he's growing like a weed, and that he is the spitting image of Gavin!" My mother exclaims in excitement, "Well, with the exception of having his mother's hair color, but oh, is he going to be a looker when he gets older!"

I try to keep my smile happy because I love that pup like my own, but now knowing that Quinn is my mate, I'm a little saddened that he isn't mine. I feel bad for even thinking it because Ash is Gavin's legacy, and I don't want to take that away from him. Quinn and I will have our own pups, I have no doubt about that. I just have to keep in mind that it is an honor to be the one to help bring my late cousin's.pup up and make him into the Alpha that he is truly meant to be.

I laugh at my rnother's excitement over seeing Ash and Sara again, since she is supposed to be there too. I think it's good that both grandmothers will be there to not only help with the pups, but to help keep Quinn's mind off everything. Her brain has been on overdrive ever since she found out her family secret. Not only that, she seems to be nervous about meeting her fated mate, she feels as though it will be'a betrayal to Gavin's memory to move on so soon, but she forgets that it's different with wolves. The pull with the mate bond doesn't give you much choice in the matter.

We pull up to Quinn's pack house, and before we can get out of the Jeep, Quinn is rushing out of the door and down the steps. She throws herself in my mother's arms, "I've missed you so much, Amelia!"

"I've missed you too, sweetie," mother chuckles, "We always seem to miss each other when you are visiting Storm River."

"I will make it a point to come find you whenever I come over." Quinn's smile is bright.

"Uh, I'm feeling a little left out here," I joke, "I'm the one that brought her here to see you and now it's like I'm chopped liver and unimportant."

The Luna pouts playfully, "Oh, is the big, bad Alpha feeling left out?" she walks over and wraps her hands around my waist, "Thank you for bringing your mother, even though I know it's to help keep me company and try to keep my mind off being left behind tonight."

I should have known that she would figure out the reasoning. For the most part, Quinn is a very smart cookie, but then there are times when she just can't put two and two together; for example, us being-mates. All the signs are there, at least on my end they are, but maybe it's not like that for her because she isn't supposed to know yet.

"You know why you can't go tonight, don't you, Quinn? It's not that I don't think you can fight like the rest of us, because I've seen you in action, and I would be honored to have you by my side in battle, but YOU are what they want and it's too much to risk having you there."

She sighs and pulls away, "I know, but it doesn't mean I have to be happy about it."

I love it when she gets annoyed, she's just too adorable, but I can't go there right now because Duke is already pawing to come out and claim her even though we've had the conversation as to why we have to wait. The animal in us just doesn't want to listen, though.

"How about we make a deal. If you can keep yourself safe until your next birthday, I will let you lead the charge in the next fight, once you have your full powers and can control them, of course." I grin.

She sighs heavily, "It's not that I want to fight, Declan. I don't like knowing that lives will be lost protecting me and here I am, sitting around and doing nothing."

I take her chin between my fingers and tilt her head up, "In case you have forgotten, Quinn, it's our job to protect the last Dire wolf. You do know that you are very important to the wolf shifters; you will be a Queen soon, so you must be protected. You should probably get used to it." I state with a chuckle.

I can feel our hearts beating as one, and when we both gaze into one another's eyes, there is a similar stutter to both heartbeats. How can she not see that we are meant to be? This beautiful woman will be my Queen one day soon and I can hardly wait. As much as I want to ravage her kissable mouth, I don't. Instead, I just barely brush my lips against hers in a more friendly manner, and

Dinding into pagen nom then step away.

"Come, let's get Holden settled, because I don't have much time." When I go to step away, I notice the slip of a smile that dances across her face for a brief moment.

My mother is already getting my son out of his pup seat, so grab his bag of items that I put together since he will be sleeping here tonight. I'm not sure how long I will be gone, and I wanted to make sure that he had everything he needed.

I don't want to leave them, but I know I must. I'm their protector now even if Quinn doesn't know it yet. I can still say it's because of what I promised my cousin, even though it's much more than that. He never needed to make me promise him, because I would have always protected them no matter what.


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