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The Alpha Who Saved Me novel Chapter 177

Chapter 27


My father is clueless as to me having my wolf. Don't think I hadn't noticed him glancing down at my wrist to see if I am wearing my silver bracelet. Trying to change the subject is the only way I can keep him from really looking deep within, be- cause even I don't know just how powerful my father really is, so I turn the conversation onto the topic of my mother. Maybe threatening the head of the Shikari wasn't a smart move, but it has the desired effect.

"Did you just threaten me, your own father?" He scowls at me.

I don't back down, though, "Yes father, I did! How would you feel if you had been lied to your whole life about one of your parents and were denied their love as well?"

"You've grown some balls since you have been gone and I commend you, but I highly suggest that you use it towards others and not your own father!"

I need to be careful and not push him too far. If I can get. him to tell me where my mother is then I can start forming a plan on trying to get not only me and Alpha Declan out of here, but my mother as well, "Sorry Father, you're right, of course. I'm sure you have a good reason as to why you keep my mother locked up, but nevertheless, I would still like to get to know her. Is that too much to ask?"

He studies me for a bit and then sighs heavily, "Let me think on it. You're right, I do have a good reason to keep her locked up; it's the only way to keep her alive. Others would want her dead, and I couldn't have that because she is your mother. I'm doing this for you, even if it doesn't seem like it."

"Will you let me see her; I want to meet my mother, at least once." I try to play the pleading son in hopes that he will give this to me but all it gets me is another long sigh, "You can even come with me, Father. I just want to meet her once, is all."

After a long moment, he finally concedes, "Fine. Be ready at first light tomorrow morning and I will take you to go see Brianna."

"That's her name, Brianna?" I ask. I've never heard my fa- ther refer to her by her given name, so I'm a little taken back by his use of it now.

"Yes, Brianna Gregory." That's all he gives me before walk- ing away, but I don't miss the little bit of sadness that enters his eyes before he does.

"Interesting," I mumble under my breath, "What other se- crets are you hiding, Father?"

Teleporting places is the easiest thing to do for me but doing it unnoticed is the hard part. Luckily, I can link the Al- pha beforehand to let me know whether it's safe to come or not. I also need to make sure that I appear under the surveil- lance camera and that he doesn't try talking to me while fac- ing the camera. We will have to mind link, and even though that would be the easiest way to communicate with him in- stead of going to his cell, I have to check on him myself. I need to see with my own eyes that he isn't overly beaten. I know he's turned off the links that I have with him, so I can't feel his pain, but I hope he's left the line of communication open for me.

'Alpha, can you hear me?'

'Yeah, I hear you.'

'How are you holding up?'

'Oh, you know me, I love a good beating, so I'm doing fan- tastic.' The sarcasm is very noticeable, 'I will feel much better when I know how the hell we are going to get out of here.'

'I'm working on it, Alpha. I've got my magic back, but I need my father to take me to see my mother before I can leave.'

'What the fuck, Ledger? I'm in here getting a beating ev- ery other hour and you're wanting to visit mommy dearest?' He snarls over the link.

'You don't understand, Alpha. I've been told my whole life that my mother had left me, but my father has had her locked away for the last twenty-two years! I need to know where she is so when we leave, I can take her with us.'

The Alpha is silent for a long moment, 'Alpha, are you still there?'

A sigh comes over the link, 'Yeah, still here...'


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